The "I don't know what this is, but it's cool" thread
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The "I don't know what this is, but it's cool" thread Posted on: 11.12.2011 by Lina Rawie To start things off (turn your speakers/headphones down): - | |
Lina Rawie 11.12.2011 | To start things off (turn your speakers/headphones down): - |
Felipe Willia 11.12.2011 | Babble Fish translates the video's title as: Sound is visible on the griddle? Scientific magazine of art rainbow color compilation adult From the video's comments:
@puneetchhikara that's a metal table....and that is colored when it vibrates creates a pattern...
alcool24hh 2 hours ago
Pretty sure this is an example of standing waves. Vibrations of different frequencies are produced and form distinct knot points where the table ideally does not vibrate, these are the points the sand stays at once it reaches them.
bierjulius 4 hours ago |
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