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Illuminati Posted on: 18.01.2012 by France Evoniuk Does anyone believe in the Illuminati and their control of the music industry and media?It's pretty interesting what some people believe about it. | |
Matt Kane 19.01.2012 | just make shure to read Robert Shea |
Matt Kane 19.01.2012 | just make shure to read Robert Shea |
Matt Kane 19.01.2012 | just make shure to read Robert Shea |
Matt Kane 19.01.2012 | just make shure to read Robert Shea |
France Evoniuk 21.01.2012 |
Originally Posted by KryticalH!T
Celina Crusey 21.01.2012 |
Originally Posted by Dj_4-$hure
France Evoniuk 21.01.2012 |
Originally Posted by KryticalH!T
Lilliana Perris 20.01.2012 |
Originally Posted by kooper1980
Lizard People.... You have to see when he interviews this South African guy..... The African tells about the Inchatahuli.....Lizard People and goes ON and ON. Icke is GLUED to this guy. They believe the EXACT same thing....but are from other sides of the world. Had never met each other. The African had never heard of Icke...or the Lizard People story. Its SUCH a waste of time, but shows what a TWAT Icke is. |
Matt Kane 19.01.2012 | just make shure to read Robert Shea |
France Evoniuk 21.01.2012 |
Originally Posted by KryticalH!T
Lin Danek 21.01.2012 | IF they do - media, maybe. Music? Lets not flatter ourselves, 'they' have bigger fish to fry. But, I agree with Karl. |
Celina Crusey 21.01.2012 |
Originally Posted by Dj_4-$hure
Belle Tufnell 21.01.2012 | Type, it's illuminati backwards (.com). Don't know what it means but trip out! |
France Evoniuk 21.01.2012 |
Originally Posted by KryticalH!T
Lilliana Perris 20.01.2012 |
Originally Posted by kooper1980
Lizard People.... You have to see when he interviews this South African guy..... The African tells about the Inchatahuli.....Lizard People and goes ON and ON. Icke is GLUED to this guy. They believe the EXACT same thing....but are from other sides of the world. Had never met each other. The African had never heard of Icke...or the Lizard People story. Its SUCH a waste of time, but shows what a TWAT Icke is. |
Kristofer Krauel 19.01.2012 | David Icke is an embarrassment!! |
nayit ruiz jaramillo 19.01.2012 | No, i do not believe the illuminati theory at all. I believe that humans are far too fallible to be able to keep such a society going. Of cause there are secretive societies that manage to direct aspects of our modern society and yeah im sure there are some sinister groups behind some of the more recognisable organisations that 'seem' to have a lot of influence on government and the media but... nah on the scale proposed by these conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theories are like blocks in a pyramid that all pile up to one big overarching theory which is the illuminati theory. Yes its based on a real society but the historical facts have been twisted into modern theories. I mean, f*ck me this guy..? [ame=""]David Icke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] |
Erich Vallabhaneni 19.01.2012 | I totally believe, i mean we all see how corrupt the world is on the news and such, just try and fathom the bs they do that noone knows about. Like Krytical said, theres no need in worrying about it. Just be prepared for a variety of situations lol. |
Celina Crusey 19.01.2012 | Go watch "invisible empire - a new world order". It has a lot of interesting conjecture on the subject. Personally, am I scared? Yes, but as we all know fear doesn't solve anything, so I instead choose to not get weighed down by conspiracy. I acknowledge the possibility and am prepared for the worst (GO BUY SOME CAMPING EQUIPMENT....seriously...) |
Lilliana Perris 19.01.2012 | I have watched too many things on this subject. I believe its true in a sense. Bloodlines keeping themselves rich....and trying to control as much as possible. Truth? I dunno.....but it sure makes for interesting watching. |
Matt Kane 19.01.2012 | just make shure to read Robert Shea |
Nella Libin 19.01.2012 | Just like all organised religion? |
Evelyn Navarijo 19.01.2012 | The Ilumnati theory, like most conspiracy theories, is based on inane "facts" put forth by random people with no credibility whatsoever. |
Yong Aptekar 19.01.2012 | Is that a new dubstep dJ? |
Tamekia Piraino 19.01.2012 | I follow them on Twitter, they are hilarious and serious at the same time |
Deeann Cheron 19.01.2012 | I believe your a very intellectual young dude Nathan. |
Shakia Dehoff 19.01.2012 | Yeah I guess I believe.. |
Margie Pavell 18.01.2012 | can you imagine how powerful the vatican is? |
France Evoniuk 18.01.2012 |
Originally Posted by DJKeyWee
Lisa Lochotzki 18.01.2012 | yes but c'mon... it's more than music & media |
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