Turn the knob for tha people boy
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Turn the knob for tha people boy Posted on: 14.04.2013 by Cindie Somoza
Comments floating around about this at the moment go something along the lines of.. "YEAH PLAY BUTTON YEAH" I like Flume, he's a great producer, but this was a 'live' performance, I guess people just expect more. This is a free gig held each year by Triple J, so the fact people are actually making noise about it is concerning, in a sense Flume is a frontier of next generation australian electronic music and he isn't exactly impressing the audiophiles. What I've taken from this... when in doubt, HUMANIMALS to the rescue. I guess the underlying question is, would you pay money to see this, and when have you paid and received something similar? | |
Augustine Mitzen 19.04.2013 |
Originally Posted by MyUsername
Sherrell Dargenio 19.04.2013 |
Originally Posted by Ham
Nereida Jasnoch 18.04.2013 |
Originally Posted by Jester
Cindie Somoza 14.04.2013 |
Comments floating around about this at the moment go something along the lines of.. "YEAH PLAY BUTTON YEAH" I like Flume, he's a great producer, but this was a 'live' performance, I guess people just expect more. This is a free gig held each year by Triple J, so the fact people are actually making noise about it is concerning, in a sense Flume is a frontier of next generation australian electronic music and he isn't exactly impressing the audiophiles. What I've taken from this... when in doubt, HUMANIMALS to the rescue. I guess the underlying question is, would you pay money to see this, and when have you paid and received something similar? |
Augustine Mitzen 19.04.2013 |
Originally Posted by MyUsername
Sherrell Dargenio 19.04.2013 |
Originally Posted by Ham
Cindie Somoza 18.04.2013 | I believe people where expecting something like a keyboard on stage, as it was a Live set, not a DJ set. I'm sure he could've performed one of the sections live. A lot of electronic artists and even their followers use the excuse of, 'you don't know how much work has gone into the song in the studio', when I'm in a crowd and they're on stage, I couldn't give 2 flying shits, if you are there to perform a show and entertain, do that, don't just believe you have a free pass because of your hard work in the studio. Rock musicians do a crap load of hard work in studios and they don't just get on stage and play there songs through a CD player. Artists also have to realise, they aren't just playing to the so and so amount of people infront of them anymore, you can bet that 90% of gig's are getting recorded via video somehow and a greater majority of people will actually see what you are doing, and if you are being lazy, you are going to get slammed. |
Nedra Fresneda 18.04.2013 | Getting a keyboard on stage fixes the clapping issue. |
Nereida Jasnoch 18.04.2013 |
Originally Posted by Jester
Latoria Kavulich 17.04.2013 | i quite like the track, but kinda agree here. our buddy performs his own tracks with ableton LIVE, not just automated, freeing him up for 4 minutes of air clapping and peter hookery like this chap. HOOK RATING: 6/10 |
Augustine Mitzen 16.04.2013 | and this is why people hate ableton 'performers' (i know there are exceptions) the track isn't great either |
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