Reply to How to Reverse CUE/REL with Cue on Traktor Kontrol X1
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How to Reverse CUE/REL with Cue on Traktor Kontrol X1 Hi, I just picked up an X1 and I'm trying to change some of the mapping but I am still a novice with how to use Traktor's Controller Manager. Basically, I would like to reverse the CUE/REL function with it's Shift-function (Cue). In other words, I would like to map the X1 so that hitting the CUE/REL button will force TRAKTOR's Deck back to the beginning of the currently loaded track, which is the Cue function normally accessed by pressing Shift-CUE/REL. I apologize if this question was already answered. For the record, I've tried searching X1 (and x1) in these community s and keep getting "no matches found". Possibly it won't search a two character word? Of course, I can scroll for hours but I don't know when this may have been asked. Thanks in advance! Sequoia | |
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