Reply to DENON MC2000 mapping problems: song browsing encoder and syncing
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DENON MC2000 mapping problems: song browsing encoder and syncing Hi, i'm new to DJTT, my names Forfeit I've just recently bought a Denon MC2000 controller and I have some questions I haven't been able to answer myself regarding the mappings. I'd like 2 things to happen and I have one question: - Make my song browsing section work, i've tried several things but untill now I only manage to map it so that my browsing encoder does browse the list of songs, BUT, I can't return to the browser tree (list of folders), can't scroll in the browser tree (if browser tree is the correct terminology) and I can't properly use the FWD button (it's mapped so that it scrolls the top part of the browsing sections with stuff like Preparation, history, track collection etc. Can anyone explain how I map these functions in traktor 2.5? I'm getting quite tired of it and i'm a person that does everything on the controller and tries to avoid using a mouse, because of my 2 screen setup it's very inconvenient to use a mouse. - I'd like my sync button to just set the BPM of the channel I press sync on to the BPM of the other channel. So I DON'T want full syncing functionality. Just put the BPM's right. - This question kind of follows up the previous one, how much difference does it make exactly to beatmatch (by ear) with, for example, one BPM of 170.00 and one BPM of 170.05, i'm trying to do beatmatching now but I notice when I put the phasemeter on every once in a while to check if i'm doing it right it does make a significant difference if the bpm's are not exactly the same. And since CDJ-2000's have steps of 0.1 BPM I was really wondering how this works PS. Please keep yourself from giving answers like: "I wouldn't know why you would do that blabla" i've got my particular reasons to want this mapping and i've noticed that on NI community s the answer most used is stuff like well I don't understand why you'd want that.. kind of an odd answer if you ask me so please, just don't. I REALLY REALLY hope someone can help, I love the controller but I just can't seem to figure this stuff out. Thanks in regards!! | |
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