Reply to Learning curve between denon dn sc3900 and pioneer cdjs

Learning curve between denon dn sc3900 and pioneer cdjs
Hey all,

Decided to make my first post here after heavily searching the community to try and find some answers. I've been djing with a controller for a long time and its all good. Lately I've not been loving lugging my controller around and laptop also I have been offered gigs at clubs where I just don't feel right bringing a controller and having to move everything and make a pain for the other dj's I'm working with.

So I decided to pick up some cdj's so I can use at home and get comfy with. I can go and get used cdj-800 mk2's maybe if I'm lucky score a good deal on used cdj-1000 mk3's or get cdj-400's OR I can get new denon dn- sc3900 for a good price from a family friend.

Truth is if I get the denon's is the learning curve between them and pioneer cdj's weird? or is it more like if I get how to use the denon's its pretty much similar to a pioneer cdj and all cdj's are universal type thing?

This is keeping me up!

thanks guys!
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