Learning curve between denon dn sc3900 and pioneer cdjs

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Learning curve between denon dn sc3900 and pioneer cdjs
Posted on: 08.05.2012 by Buster Castan
Hey all,

Decided to make my first post here after heavily searching the community to try and find some answers. I've been djing with a controller for a long time and its all good. Lately I've not been loving lugging my controller around and laptop also I have been offered gigs at clubs where I just don't feel right bringing a controller and having to move everything and make a pain for the other dj's I'm working with.

So I decided to pick up some cdj's so I can use at home and get comfy with. I can go and get used cdj-800 mk2's maybe if I'm lucky score a good deal on used cdj-1000 mk3's or get cdj-400's OR I can get new denon dn- sc3900 for a good price from a family friend.

Truth is if I get the denon's is the learning curve between them and pioneer cdj's weird? or is it more like if I get how to use the denon's its pretty much similar to a pioneer cdj and all cdj's are universal type thing?

This is keeping me up!

thanks guys!
Buster Castan
Hey all,

Decided to make my first post here after heavily searching the community to try and find some answers. I've been djing with a controller for a long time and its all good. Lately I've not been loving lugging my controller around and laptop also I have been offered gigs at clubs where I just don't feel right bringing a controller and having to move everything and make a pain for the other dj's I'm working with.

So I decided to pick up some cdj's so I can use at home and get comfy with. I can go and get used cdj-800 mk2's maybe if I'm lucky score a good deal on used cdj-1000 mk3's or get cdj-400's OR I can get new denon dn- sc3900 for a good price from a family friend.

Truth is if I get the denon's is the learning curve between them and pioneer cdj's weird? or is it more like if I get how to use the denon's its pretty much similar to a pioneer cdj and all cdj's are universal type thing?

This is keeping me up!

thanks guys!
Buster Castan
So the filesystems are the major differences between them? I'm looking forward to trying both of them out today. Thanks for the advice!!
Nancey Inderlied
Well the filesystem thing is actually pretty significant. Engine databases are useless on CDJs, and vice versa for Rekordbox drives. The base data is still there via a folder structure, but the management, preparation, and anaylsis data is gone. You're going to want to get familiar with both systems, and keep them both updated, depending on how much you play on either brand.
Buster Castan
Not a bad idea. I believe i'm going to rent one pioneer cdj and one denon cdj and see what difference I can tell. I'm just worried because a lot of threads I've read comparing denon to pioneer is that pioneer is the more common cdj in a club environment and I would hate to get to a place and not be completely familiar with the set up. I'm hoping that the denon and pioneer differences are insignificant that playing on one and playing on the other is flawless in terms of actual technical operation not in terms of extra functions like usb sticks and what not.
Nancey Inderlied
You can also get refurbished CDJ-900s for roughly $900 a deck. That's the deal of the decade when you really do the math.

On topic, their filesystems are completely proprietary, and there's the whole platter vs jog thing, but other than a noticeable improvement in button and screen quality, going from Denon decks to Pioneer decks isn't that jarring. It's just a different control layout and style, they're both pretty simple to work on.

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