Reply to A few questions regarding the VCI-100SE and the Arcade edition...
Home :: Reviews of DJ equipment :: A few questions regarding the VCI-100SE and the Arcade edition... :: Reply
A few questions regarding the VCI-100SE and the Arcade edition... Hi, Doing some insane amount of research into beginner DJ gear , and im seriously loving the VCI-100 SE and the Arcade Edition of the same controller... As i have never actually handled or touched the controllers, i dont know how the buttons feel, so i was hoping the awesome DJ TT community could help me out a little bit 1) Is it possible to easily cue juggle with the standard buttons of the VCI, or is it terrible and is why the Arcade Edition really shines with respect to that. 2) Just a question regarding the overall look of the Arcade Edition. While ive watched heaps of videos many times each of Ean using the arcade controller, its hard to judge what they'd actually look like sitting infront of you (for me anyways :S) Do they look genuinly professional? That is, could you rock up to a party / club with it and it looks like a solid piece of gear , or does it give off a slight 'toy-ish' look.. In no way what-so-ever am i bagging out the awesome product haha, just im saving up some serious money, and being from Australia, it gets a bit more expensive, alongside $50 or so postage.. Thanks heaps for all your help fusion | |
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