DIY MIDI Controller Info

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DIY MIDI Controller Info
Posted on: 26.04.2010 by Keely Jurik
Hey everyone, I'm building my own MIDI controller and am documenting the progress etc...

My latest post might be of some use to people who are looking into building their own, but are not certain of exactly what they need. It just runs through all the modules you will need and what they'll do:

If you find it useful, leave a comment on the blog etc...
More to come soon.

Susann Blachford
Originally Posted by MONSTA
There's a bit of controversy on that one!
Basically if you're not going to have any LEDs (or not a lot anyway) you can get away with powering it off the GM5 USB Module...

I was under the impression I'd be able to power mine through USB (looking at an APC40 etc) but I'm going to have to build a transformer into my box as well! Which isn't so bad really, I'll just have an IEC (kettle lead) port in the back as it's pretty standard and should be able to pick one up anywhere if I forget it etc.

I actually prefer it this way as sucking that much power from your laptop isn't very wise and the LEDs aren't going to be as bright...
Hey could you explain your design a little bit? Seems like a lot of buttons!

I have a bunch of assembled midibox modules but i'm currently lacking the other parts/ the motivation to complete my design... I put up a for sale post in the buy/sell community if anyone's interested.

If nobody buys them I might just save them for another day
Keely Jurik
Hey everyone, I'm building my own MIDI controller and am documenting the progress etc...

My latest post might be of some use to people who are looking into building their own, but are not certain of exactly what they need. It just runs through all the modules you will need and what they'll do:

If you find it useful, leave a comment on the blog etc...
More to come soon.

Keely Jurik
If you go here:

Click on the 2D mockup you can see what I'm aiming for. That should explain what all the buttons are going to be used for.

*Just realised the image there is too small, but the post might give you a few clues. Try this image instead:
Susann Blachford
Originally Posted by MONSTA
There's a bit of controversy on that one!
Basically if you're not going to have any LEDs (or not a lot anyway) you can get away with powering it off the GM5 USB Module...

I was under the impression I'd be able to power mine through USB (looking at an APC40 etc) but I'm going to have to build a transformer into my box as well! Which isn't so bad really, I'll just have an IEC (kettle lead) port in the back as it's pretty standard and should be able to pick one up anywhere if I forget it etc.

I actually prefer it this way as sucking that much power from your laptop isn't very wise and the LEDs aren't going to be as bright...
Hey could you explain your design a little bit? Seems like a lot of buttons!

I have a bunch of assembled midibox modules but i'm currently lacking the other parts/ the motivation to complete my design... I put up a for sale post in the buy/sell community if anyone's interested.

If nobody buys them I might just save them for another day
Benita Jankauskas
I am seriously looking into doing a custom build but I have never assembled electronics, only played with them, configuring the proper board selection seem s a little confusing, but I just need to do more reading.
Keely Jurik
There's a bit of controversy on that one!
Basically if you're not going to have any LEDs (or not a lot anyway) you can get away with powering it off the GM5 USB Module...

I was under the impression I'd be able to power mine through USB (looking at an APC40 etc) but I'm going to have to build a transformer into my box as well! Which isn't so bad really, I'll just have an IEC (kettle lead) port in the back as it's pretty standard and should be able to pick one up anywhere if I forget it etc.

I actually prefer it this way as sucking that much power from your laptop isn't very wise and the LEDs aren't going to be as bright...
Susann Blachford
is it possible to make a USB powered midibox?
thats whats holding me back right now. I really don't wanna have another power adapter to lug around and find an outlet for.
Keely Jurik
Yeah you can use encoders, check out the Midibox64e (the e is important!).

As far as programming goes, all the work has been done for you by the amazing guys over at All you have to do is edit a config file, then compile the application using that config file. I'd never done any of that stuff before, so it shouldn't pose a problem....
Susann Blachford
i believe that there are pre made programs you can download for your Midibox if you make one of the standard configurations like midibox 64. If i'm correct you don't have to have the full number of knobs/buttons/LEDs though.

Yes you can use rotary encoders with Midibox but I believe only specific kinds..
Shay Wyche
I've looked in to modding lots of Usb joypads and frankly I'm a little fed up with the limitations of them. They are fantastic for cheap no frills controllers, but it's not what I'm looking for.

The midibox stuff has always intrigued and scared me at the same time. Is it just a case of adding all the parts together and then wiring the buttons, sliders and leds to the appropriate pcb, or do you have to know a little bit about programming? The wiring and soldering holds no fears for me, but the programming would mean I would have to learn another language, literally.

edit : Oh, and can you use rotary encoders with them too?

Any info hugely welcomed.
Shana Minsk
I will also be following this.
robin loo
i have no probs with the site...
interesting project.. i will follow..
Susann Blachford
I can't seem to access the site.

Is that just me..?

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