Reply to Why not help the midi controller evolve at a faster rate.

Why not help the midi controller evolve at a faster rate.
Now before just seeing my post count and skipping the first post, Atleast read it.

Ok so especially lately Ive been reading about people saying that every new controller that is released seems to only have one or two features added. And someone will ask "Why dont they add more than two or 3 features?". Wellit was explained in a post from the DJTT blog. And its $$$.

So it occured to me. Why dont we take action? We meaning DJTT Community. I mean yeah there is DIY controllers. But take it a step beyond that. For gosh sakes Community members REVERSE ENGINEERED VCI 100. Now some people may be like "yeah so what". Well thats UBER complicated unless your a brilliant person.

If some people in the Community can do that, Why cant we work together and Make a controller? Not like a Midi fighter but im talking TOUCH SENSITIVE JOG Wheels, Optical Faders, Knobs, buttons the whole 9 yards. And Possibly A sound card.

Im willing to do what i can and help to make and design one. I mean why not make something we know people will use. Not with just 2 or 3 new features but with 10 or 20 or more. Ean revolutionized controllerism and helped start DJTT why not get the community to push it even a step further.

So if anyone besides me is interested in doing something like this. Then shit lets do this and make a kickass controller that will change DJ'ing.

~Chris W.
S.F. Bay Area Local
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