Ultrasone DJ1 v DJ1 Pro

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Ultrasone DJ1 v DJ1 Pro
Posted on: 14.11.2010 by Noelia Koga
Hey guys I just picked up a pair of DJ1s and really love the sound quality but I wanted to know how different the Pro version is. Is it simply the removable audio jack or is there more?
Noelia Koga
Hey guys I just picked up a pair of DJ1s and really love the sound quality but I wanted to know how different the Pro version is. Is it simply the removable audio jack or is there more?
Random X
Just added a few more bold items.
Noelia Koga
your wisdom is appreciated Photojojo
Leeanna Ayla
All that said, I'm not sure you would really be able to tell a difference between 32 and 64 ohm headphones in a DJ capacity.
Noelia Koga
well I appreciate the help. Basically if there is going to be a good difference in Audio Quality I would return these and get the Pro's but I'm not going to do that just for the detachable cable and the "Pro" logo they put on them. Which is sort of what I thought they did just to make a quick buck.
Leeanna Ayla
I am no expert, but this is the way I understand it.

Impedance means to impede. The smaller the number though, the more impedance it has. What this means in terms of headphones is that the 32 ohm speaker will impede more of the signal causing the amp to work harder. 64 ohm impedes less letting the amp work more efficiently.

It's best to match the headphones ohms with whatever your plugging them into. I have an Audio 4 and NI lists that has being able to operate headphones in the range of 16-600 ohms so my 75 ohm headphones are well within the range. Hooking up less expensive 8 ohm headphones you would have to raise the volume more (remember smaller numbers impede more of the signal) causing the amp and headphones to work harder and not sound optimal.

At least I believe all of that's correct. Hopefully someone that works for a big time sound studio that may or may not have anything to do with certain names like Skywalker and Lucas can chime in as I'm sure they would know much more than me.
Noelia Koga
Thanks I had caught that on their website however I tried to find out what exactly impedance does to sound quality and couldn't really find anything clear. Articles like http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jan0...ceworkshop.asp were just complete Jargon to me.

Edit: It seems that impedance effects the amount of power the headphones draw which means that they require more power to output the same volume. Is this correct? I don't understand why high impedance would be more desirable if that is the case.
Leeanna Ayla

S-Logic™ Natural Surround Sound
Dynamic principle
Frequency range 10-22.000 Hz
Impedance 64 Ohm
Sound pressure level 102 dB

MU Metal bufferboard, reduced field emissions
in accordance with ULE (=Ultra Low Emission) standard
Driver 50 mm Mylar
Weight 295 g (without cord)

S-Logic™ Natural Surround Sound Plus
Dynamic principle
Frequency range 10-22.000 Hz
Impedance 32 Ohm
Sound pressure level 104 dB

MU Metal bufferboard, reduced field emissions
in accordance with ULE (=Ultra Low Emission) standard
Driver 50 mm Mylar
Weight 285 g (without cord)

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