What to buy next...

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What to buy next...
Posted on: 28.12.2010 by Loma Eyler
So I've been DJing for about a year now. I started out with the Hercules RMX and to be honest it has served me well. I picked up an APC40 along the way, and have always tried DJing with Ableton but just haven't gotten into that yet.

Recently I've started to DJ live and, well, the RMX just isn't so great any more. The guys I guest DJ with have VCI-300s and S4s etc. I don't have a sound card because the RMX has a built in one but there is a noticeable difference in sound quality. I am guilty of seeing something better and lusting for it (always have been).

I came by some Christmas moneys and want to branch out. Denon released their MC 6000, and of course there is the S4. Think I should try to sell the RMX on ebay and try for one of those guys or should I just buy a better sound card and try to use the Hercules and APC for a (semi)unique set up.

Blah. Any first hand info on the MC6000 would be greatly appreciated. Schanksh!
Loma Eyler
So I've been DJing for about a year now. I started out with the Hercules RMX and to be honest it has served me well. I picked up an APC40 along the way, and have always tried DJing with Ableton but just haven't gotten into that yet.

Recently I've started to DJ live and, well, the RMX just isn't so great any more. The guys I guest DJ with have VCI-300s and S4s etc. I don't have a sound card because the RMX has a built in one but there is a noticeable difference in sound quality. I am guilty of seeing something better and lusting for it (always have been).

I came by some Christmas moneys and want to branch out. Denon released their MC 6000, and of course there is the S4. Think I should try to sell the RMX on ebay and try for one of those guys or should I just buy a better sound card and try to use the Hercules and APC for a (semi)unique set up.

Blah. Any first hand info on the MC6000 would be greatly appreciated. Schanksh!
Carlee Pickard
All I know is I have an S4 and I love it. I got it a few days before release and have been DJing with it since then and the level of creativity it allows you to experience is insane. I was having a blast using 2 decks, and now I am throwing in the 3rd and 4th deck, it is just way too much fun! I would definitely reccomend it!

Keep in mind though my experience is extremely limited. I jus started DJing less than 3 months ago, and have only really played around with the s4.
Pansy Shiveley
If your crew's already using S4, going for something different seems like a more fun option to me.
Leeanna Ayla
Let me be the first to say the S4 is really nice. Haven't heard much about the MC6000 yet.
Cammy Clegg
Try oskars mapping of using the apc40 for traktor

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