my controller doesn't have enough buttons

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my controller doesn't have enough buttons
Posted on: 24.01.2011 by Yong Aptekar
I ran out of buttons to map on my bcd3000 so I am looking for a VERY cheap alternative to a midi controller. Has anyone used a controller + a numeric usb keypad at the same time with virtual dj? I know that if it works, it will work in parallel with my pc keyboard, but I'm curious if it will be able to be mapped like a keyboard. Any help?
Thanks for the help guys, once again this community is a wealth of knowledge.
Nakisha Startup
Originally Posted by safefire
How is the BCD3000 actually? I love the BCR and BCF controllers, but something about the size of the BCD as a dj controller kind of put me off. Dunno really, am I wrong?

Sorry not to be of more help. If it works anything like the BCR, then Tekki might be of great assistance
I'm using a BCD3000 as well ... great as a MIDI controller (just don't use the sound card) that's when I started getting issues. It is also ugly to look at (to me at least) but I can't justify buying a different controller unless this thing explodes. It just has everything you need! (buttons, knobs, faders and jogwheels!)

Do watch out though, if you drop this thing, it takes a beating ... my Microphone knobs are slowly falling into the board (not like I use them anyways).

Back to the OP, I believe that is very interesting that you want to use a numeric keyboard ... I opted to just buy a Kontrol X1 to handle everything but EQ / fader controls to free up some space for some super knobs at the top and something exciting for the loop buttons (haven't figured out what to do exactly though).
Cammy Clegg
Originally Posted by dripstep
I found a nuce usb number pad for $8.99, but before I spend aaaaaallllllllll that money, I want to know if it will work while I run my bcd3000. I can run 4 decks with that, but I would like a pad beside my controller for loops/effects
Map Shift 1. Then another button as Modifier 3 direct 1. It will add another layer to your conroller.
Yong Aptekar
I ran out of buttons to map on my bcd3000 so I am looking for a VERY cheap alternative to a midi controller. Has anyone used a controller + a numeric usb keypad at the same time with virtual dj? I know that if it works, it will work in parallel with my pc keyboard, but I'm curious if it will be able to be mapped like a keyboard. Any help?
Thanks for the help guys, once again this community is a wealth of knowledge.
Yong Aptekar
Thanks for all of the help guys, I went out, spent $10.21 and bought a 19 button numeric keypad, mapped it out and I now have more controls at my fingers.
Nakisha Startup
Originally Posted by safefire
How is the BCD3000 actually? I love the BCR and BCF controllers, but something about the size of the BCD as a dj controller kind of put me off. Dunno really, am I wrong?

Sorry not to be of more help. If it works anything like the BCR, then Tekki might be of great assistance
I'm using a BCD3000 as well ... great as a MIDI controller (just don't use the sound card) that's when I started getting issues. It is also ugly to look at (to me at least) but I can't justify buying a different controller unless this thing explodes. It just has everything you need! (buttons, knobs, faders and jogwheels!)

Do watch out though, if you drop this thing, it takes a beating ... my Microphone knobs are slowly falling into the board (not like I use them anyways).

Back to the OP, I believe that is very interesting that you want to use a numeric keyboard ... I opted to just buy a Kontrol X1 to handle everything but EQ / fader controls to free up some space for some super knobs at the top and something exciting for the loop buttons (haven't figured out what to do exactly though).
Franklin Momany
Order yourself some paint while your at it and customize that ish!
Janyce Henningson
Short answer - yes - you can map a numeric keyboard - just the same way as a normal keyboard.
Yong Aptekar
The BCD is great. Its a entry level controller, so it has its downsides (knobs, faders, jogwheels are all cheap-ish) but for the 150 I paid for it I love the thing. Haven't had any issues with it at all.
Thanks for the help, it is appreciated, however I'm not looking to layer my current controller, but rather have an extra pad (like the midi fighter). I can map my pc keyboard, so I was hoping that I could map a numeric pad the same way, and use that with the bcd.
Lewis Stumpf
How is the BCD3000 actually? I love the BCR and BCF controllers, but something about the size of the BCD as a dj controller kind of put me off. Dunno really, am I wrong?

Sorry not to be of more help. If it works anything like the BCR, then Tekki might be of great assistance
Cammy Clegg
Originally Posted by dripstep
I found a nuce usb number pad for $8.99, but before I spend aaaaaallllllllll that money, I want to know if it will work while I run my bcd3000. I can run 4 decks with that, but I would like a pad beside my controller for loops/effects
Map Shift 1. Then another button as Modifier 3 direct 1. It will add another layer to your conroller.
Yong Aptekar
I found a nuce usb number pad for $8.99, but before I spend aaaaaallllllllll that money, I want to know if it will work while I run my bcd3000. I can run 4 decks with that, but I would like a pad beside my controller for loops/effects
Franklin Momany
Whats your price range?

There is a free alternative, using mods. I've managed to squeeze in 4 decks onto a single Hercules MP3 E2 http://www.djranking /showthread.php?t=23676 by doing so.

Idk about the numeric keyboards. I would believe it would work the same way as a standard typing keyboard with traktor. I do know you should aviod the shortcut keyboards like the one by Google.

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