Xone 1d Dilemma

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Xone 1d Dilemma
Posted on: 08.02.2011 by Laurence Ostgaard
Hey everyone,

First and for most I would just like to say whats up to everyone and thank all of you who really are there to share information and knowledge in this amazing realm known as midi controllerism...

Secondly, I have a problem. I am aware of the usb hub and macbook problems with the 1d, and through out my journey trying to find a solution Ive read that people have had luck once they install the 1d firmware update, Hook the midi in's and out's through the audio8 with the 1d and also use a powered usb hub.

I have done all this accordingly and I am still having issues. My 1d is all mapped out just the way I want it for deck C and D and everything qorks fine except for the play buttons! When I hit play it doesnt do anything, and when I manually click on the play button in the traktor scratch pro software it just kinda jumps or stutters and then stops. Everything is working but the play! CUP wont work either...

Is there anyone out there that has knowledge or experience with this? Any information at all would be greatly appreciated it. I am using a Macbook with 2.4 ghz intel core two duo and 4 gigs of RAM. Also I have a kontrol x1 for deck A and B.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks alot,

Laurence Ostgaard
Hey everyone,

First and for most I would just like to say whats up to everyone and thank all of you who really are there to share information and knowledge in this amazing realm known as midi controllerism...

Secondly, I have a problem. I am aware of the usb hub and macbook problems with the 1d, and through out my journey trying to find a solution Ive read that people have had luck once they install the 1d firmware update, Hook the midi in's and out's through the audio8 with the 1d and also use a powered usb hub.

I have done all this accordingly and I am still having issues. My 1d is all mapped out just the way I want it for deck C and D and everything qorks fine except for the play buttons! When I hit play it doesnt do anything, and when I manually click on the play button in the traktor scratch pro software it just kinda jumps or stutters and then stops. Everything is working but the play! CUP wont work either...

Is there anyone out there that has knowledge or experience with this? Any information at all would be greatly appreciated it. I am using a Macbook with 2.4 ghz intel core two duo and 4 gigs of RAM. Also I have a kontrol x1 for deck A and B.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks alot,

Lamonica Tollas

may i ask what soundcard you are using?

i have had my share of problems with 1D( i have 2).
what i have figured out is that if u change your soundcard setting in traktor without restarting it will lock up on you. Also, make sure that you use one( or more) usb ports that are "powered"(dont remember correct word) if your soundcard make a slight disconection its enough to make traktor go in "protection mode". so try diferent usb ports for all of ur hardware, and restart traktor each time you make a change in audio setting or routings.

dont be afraid to ask for more if something there is something u dont understand.

Laurence Ostgaard
Ya it works when the 1d is not connected... and If I have the 1d connected direct into one of my two usb ports on my macbook everything works perfectly... Man this is frustrating!
Leeanna Ayla
Does it work when the 1D is not connected?
Laurence Ostgaard
Hey thanks for the response, Ya Im positive. Also even if it was mapped wrong, wouldnt it still work if I hit the play button or CUP in the software? Also if I hold down the cue button it will work propper...

P.S. The buttons Im using to control the play and cue features are the four buttons with LEDs on the bottom of the controller
Teresia Janusch
r u sure ur play button is set up right in controller mappings?

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