Numark Total Control broken knob - help please?

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Numark Total Control broken knob - help please?
Posted on: 17.04.2011 by Kristine Baciu
Hi everyone,

I managed to break one of the knobs on my Total Control. I've looked all over to see if anyone else had this problem and managed to fix it, but I couldn't find anything.

I was wondering if any of you guys have any idea how I would go about fixing it? I tried superglue - it held on for a couple of weeks, but it came off again.
I attached some images so that you guys have a better idea of what I'm dealing with.

The control itself works fine, so a solution involving glue might work. I'm also open to ideas on how to open it up and replace it, if need be.
Thanks in advance for all your help!
Kristine Baciu
Originally Posted by vanaema78
Open it up, check is it unsolderable, if it is:
buy a new 10K potentiometer, solder new one on, pop the knob on, job done.
Thanks for your reply!
Is there any way to tell what kind/size of potentiometer to buy before opening it up (maybe someone has experience)? I looked up 10K potentiometers on eBay, but I'm not sure if they are all of uniform size. Will any 1/4inch pot fit? Is there another place where you would recommend I look?

Also, what type should I get - a linear or log pot? The D type 1/2W pot on this site looks very similar to the ones on the TC, but I can't tell if these are the same ones I need:

Sorry for being a total noob, but as you can probably tell, this is new to me. But I'm a fast learner
Ciara Cuttill
Originally Posted by vanaema78
Open it up, check is it unsolderable, if it is:
buy a new 10K potentiometer, solder new one on, pop the knob on, job done.
Kristine Baciu
Hi everyone,

I managed to break one of the knobs on my Total Control. I've looked all over to see if anyone else had this problem and managed to fix it, but I couldn't find anything.

I was wondering if any of you guys have any idea how I would go about fixing it? I tried superglue - it held on for a couple of weeks, but it came off again.
I attached some images so that you guys have a better idea of what I'm dealing with.

The control itself works fine, so a solution involving glue might work. I'm also open to ideas on how to open it up and replace it, if need be.
Thanks in advance for all your help!
Edwina Fagel
It has to be linear pot. But if you couldn't really desolder it then it's no point buying pot's. But some careful electronic can remove it with an desoldreing pump.
About the shaft, i have no idea, never owned a total control,
but you could measure it, and then choose a 10K linear pot.
Just measure carefuly and choose the one you need on ebay,
they're pretty cheap, like 5$ for 5 pots.
Kristine Baciu
Originally Posted by vanaema78
Open it up, check is it unsolderable, if it is:
buy a new 10K potentiometer, solder new one on, pop the knob on, job done.
Thanks for your reply!
Is there any way to tell what kind/size of potentiometer to buy before opening it up (maybe someone has experience)? I looked up 10K potentiometers on eBay, but I'm not sure if they are all of uniform size. Will any 1/4inch pot fit? Is there another place where you would recommend I look?

Also, what type should I get - a linear or log pot? The D type 1/2W pot on this site looks very similar to the ones on the TC, but I can't tell if these are the same ones I need:

Sorry for being a total noob, but as you can probably tell, this is new to me. But I'm a fast learner
Ciara Cuttill
Originally Posted by vanaema78
Open it up, check is it unsolderable, if it is:
buy a new 10K potentiometer, solder new one on, pop the knob on, job done.
Edwina Fagel
Open it up, check is it unsolderable, if it is:
buy a new 10K potentiometer, solder new one on, pop the knob on, job done.

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