Reply to Project: DIY Midi mixer.
Project: DIY Midi mixer. Hi! The last time it was a Guitar, now it is a MIDI controller i chose for my "autumn project". I want to build a Midi-Mixer. It should have 4 Line faders, 1 Crossfader, some potentiometers (4 band eq and gain per chanel, master volume, headphone volume), some buttons (cue per chanel, CF assign). This controller should be added to my setup of 2 x1 and my audio2 and a xone (which will be almost useless then). What midi "brain" would you reccomend me? It will be at most the faders + 20 potentiometers + 10 buttons. And did i understand that right, that I can use normal faders / pots / buttons, just as i would use them in an analogue mixer? Have you got any wiring examples? I am planing to solder everything together in a solid metall box and i will publish a layout plan in a few days. I hope you can support me. | |
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