Reply to Portable traktor controller for house parties n such
Portable traktor controller for house parties n such Heya. At home, I've got a pretty decent setup, X1, Turntables and a Denon DN-X1500S, NITA2 + laptop. I do have a Mixtrack Pro as well, but I'm in the process of selling it. Still it'd be fun to have an additonal controller to take to house parties, just grab my laptop and a controller and throw them in my bag and be off, unfortunately the Mixtrack isn't quite that portable. So I wonder, do you guys have any recommendation on something slightly smaller, preferably with both faders and jogwheels, that works well with Traktor, something around the size of the Novation Twitch (which looks nice, but it seems to be so-so with Traktor, and I'm a jog man myself) | |
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