Help with controller and headphones

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Help with controller and headphones
Posted on: 27.01.2012 by Jeramy Akinola
I have a BCD3000. Im new to this so I don't know much about setting up the controller, so I connect my speakers and my headphones and it all sounds perfect but when I want to play a song through the speakers and cue another through the headphones I don't know how to do it, I tried everything in the User Manual it comes with but It doesn't work, I don't understand what should I do. any help?
Jeramy Akinola
I have a BCD3000. Im new to this so I don't know much about setting up the controller, so I connect my speakers and my headphones and it all sounds perfect but when I want to play a song through the speakers and cue another through the headphones I don't know how to do it, I tried everything in the User Manual it comes with but It doesn't work, I don't understand what should I do. any help?
Jeramy Akinola
Thats cool. No, the setup is fine, but my controller is old, so it is originally mapped for Traktor 3, im using traktor pro 2, it is a different mapping, the Cue A & Cue B are supposed to allow me to cue thru my headphones but instead they are mapped to turn on the effects, how do I change this? I know nothing of .tsi files, mappings or midi notes.
Jonie Felgar
you probably haven't routed it properly in traktor, (I dont know your controller btw, never used one)

go into audio settings (in traktor settings) and see if your monitor have been given a channel, if not then select one from the drop down list next to where it says monitor output

Sorry if its all a bit vague and I could be totally wrong but thats where I would start.
Jeramy Akinola
Traktor Pro2
Jonathan Chiuchiolo
you haven't said anything about the software you're using... you need to be more specific in future
Jeramy Akinola
more than a hundred views and no response? crap

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