Kontrol F1 if already getting Traktor?

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Kontrol F1 if already getting Traktor?
Posted on: 01.05.2012 by Rutha Pagador
So I was going to get Traktor Pro 2 (which is now like $86) in the next couple weeks and update to 2.5...however I just discovered that if you get the Kontrol F1 it comes with Traktor Pro 2 (well, I guess by then it'll be 2.5).

If I already need the software, should I just go ahead and get the controller? It looks like its used for samples, remixing, etc...I'm still doing my research; but I'm currently running a Mixtrack Pro, so I figured maybe this would spice it up a bit?

What exactly does it do? I see a few threads on it but some of the terminology is over my head (I've only started 2 months ago).

Thanks in advance for your time!
Rutha Pagador
So I was going to get Traktor Pro 2 (which is now like $86) in the next couple weeks and update to 2.5...however I just discovered that if you get the Kontrol F1 it comes with Traktor Pro 2 (well, I guess by then it'll be 2.5).

If I already need the software, should I just go ahead and get the controller? It looks like its used for samples, remixing, etc...I'm still doing my research; but I'm currently running a Mixtrack Pro, so I figured maybe this would spice it up a bit?

What exactly does it do? I see a few threads on it but some of the terminology is over my head (I've only started 2 months ago).

Thanks in advance for your time!
Rey Holubar

Take a look at the NI site and read about it for yourself.


If you want the F1, don't buy the software, because it comes with a license.


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