Is an S2 better than an APC 40 for Traktor?

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Is an S2 better than an APC 40 for Traktor?
Posted on: 31.07.2012 by Frieda Swoboda
Decided to learn Traktor and started off using my APC 40 with the collision mapping. Seemed a little confusing at first but once you figure it out, it seems to work fine.

My question is, would buying an s2 or even an s4 give me any more control? Sometimes I can see how having the jog wheels would be nice, but not sue what else.

Currently my setup is an APC40 with a MF Pro. Would an s2 or s4 be an improvement? Also, does anybody else here DJ with Traktor and an APC 40.
Bunny Sockel
Originally Posted by crakbot
I guess the big deal is there are only a few things I really want and it's not worth the price for me since I already have an audio interface and the software and that's a few hundred dollars of the price right there.

I saw a bunch on Craigslist so I'll try to get one that route.
maybe you should add a f1 or x1 maybe even maschine that could open up a lot more possibilites and you would have a really powerful setup
Frieda Swoboda
Decided to learn Traktor and started off using my APC 40 with the collision mapping. Seemed a little confusing at first but once you figure it out, it seems to work fine.

My question is, would buying an s2 or even an s4 give me any more control? Sometimes I can see how having the jog wheels would be nice, but not sue what else.

Currently my setup is an APC40 with a MF Pro. Would an s2 or s4 be an improvement? Also, does anybody else here DJ with Traktor and an APC 40.
Yong Aptekar
Like others have pointed out, it really comes down to jogwheels. If you have been sucessfully using your apc40, and you aren't itching to scratch, f1 and/or x1 would be a good choice.
The only other benefits would be built in soundcard (S4) and the layout of the controller.
Deangelo Boender
I can attest that holding off until you know that you really need to change something is the best way to go. I used a korg nanocontrol for the longest time, much like with the apc40 it wasn't laid out as ergonomically, but once you were accustomed to the workflow it was fine. It was when I finally got sick of how cramped it was to use was when I decided I needed something bigger and more solid, but aside from that there was no reason I couldn't have kept with it! Just wait until you really know what needs to change before investing in anything.
Ashanti Andreacchio
If you are not going to scratch you don't realy need the Jog's. Jog's are also nice for some FX manipilations and when beatmatching.
But the APC40 has enough fader to controll 4 decks in traktor and also has a crossfader.
The only real advantage I see in the s2 or s4 is to get the EQ knobs in a mixer style setup. and for that I would much rather get a Xone K2.
Frieda Swoboda
The more I believe about it the more I believe it's just not worth the money. If I had one, I would obviously use it over an APC, but I doubt it would make my mixing any better.

I believe I may wait for a new NI controller to come out then re-evaluate.

Thanks for the feedback.
Lilliana Perris
The APC40 has enough buttons and knobs to pretty much cover all controls in Traktor.
It is NOT a dedicated midi controller for Traktor, so you have to do the work yourself.

The difference is jog wheels.

Do you want them? Use em?

If not, then getting the S4 or S2 is a waste in my eyes.
6 months from now, there will be a new one and you will be sad that you have the 'older' model.

However....I am biased. I like a Hybrid setup.

Also the APC40 is basically the same thing (in a way) as the F1. same buttons...colours...and faders.
Bunny Sockel
Originally Posted by crakbot
I guess the big deal is there are only a few things I really want and it's not worth the price for me since I already have an audio interface and the software and that's a few hundred dollars of the price right there.

I saw a bunch on Craigslist so I'll try to get one that route.
maybe you should add a f1 or x1 maybe even maschine that could open up a lot more possibilites and you would have a really powerful setup
Frieda Swoboda
I guess the big deal is there are only a few things I really want and it's not worth the price for me since I already have an audio interface and the software and that's a few hundred dollars of the price right there.

I saw a bunch on Craigslist so I'll try to get one that route.
Bunny Sockel
Well i would say yes because the s2 and s4 are made by the guys who make traktor and the apc 40 was originally made for ableton. But it's all personal preference go into a dj store and try out the s2 and s4 and see what you like.

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