Opinions on controller, please!!!

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Opinions on controller, please!!!
Posted on: 28.09.2012 by Nga Mcquarter
Hi everyone!! I wanted to know your opinion about a Numark controller, the iCD Mix 3. I just saw it a few days ago and I thought that if I get a 2-Channel Soundcard I'd had the possibility of mixing with the laptop, CDs and my iPod. Also I own a controller right now so I could do FX and all that stuff. What do you believe about it? Thanks ;D
Loan Oballe
Originally Posted by LoveBeat
yes, I was also believeing about the xponent, because I found it at 155 euros and so I could get some modular controllers but the problem is that I've heard the hardware (and also the software) are getting obsolete. Soo please, in my case which one would you choose? xD btw thanks man!!
Hardware obsolete how so? There is no doubt it's a relatively old controller (Released in '08) but it does have all the features and feature conventions controllers built in the last 2 years have, also consider it was a controller ahead of it's time. However the software does kinda suck i'm not gonna lie. Yes I have used it successfully and if I could only use torq 2 I'd be fine, but I'd seriously pickup a copy of traktor and get a mapping for it as well (considering the dosh you save it's not a stretch to pick up traktor) I really believe the xponent is a good way to get going. Considering money is tight for you, and I assume you and I have similar budjet concerns, I believe you should pick up the xponent, but don't close your self off to the options that these other very smart people will present you. There is a wealth of information here, so look around!

Happy hunting!
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by soundinsurgent712
Just bought the DJC.4 two days ago and it's great with both software's. A few I would of liked to see added to it but really I have no complaints.
My only guess would be does shift buttons on DJC.4 send different MIDI massages by firmware for some of controls? I wouldn't surprise if filter and key knobs are working in that way so as dedicated LED's by the knobs. If it doesn't and it's regular MIDI massage then even better but if it does then shift button probably isn't mappable which is bad for some more complex mappings though.

Since you own this controller can you please check if shift is mappable just to be sure?
Nga Mcquarter
Allright, I'll believe about it!! The thing is that if I get the Stanton, I cannot spend any money more (because I'm getting also a Sehnheiser Headphones for 50 euros, then I'd have spent 400€ yet). If I get the Xponent and those headphones it's just 200€, then I'd pick the Audio 2 DJ Soundcard (for special cases, and btw it comes with Traktor Pro 2.5) and maybe a modular controller (a Drum Machine like the Trigger Finger or the Launchpad or a keyboard like the Oxygen 25, or even maybe the Akai APC 20, but I don't know and now I don't even care xD), well, I got many things to believe about, but you people have really helped me!!! THANKSS!!!!
Loan Oballe
Originally Posted by LoveBeat
yes, I was also believeing about the xponent, because I found it at 155 euros and so I could get some modular controllers but the problem is that I've heard the hardware (and also the software) are getting obsolete. Soo please, in my case which one would you choose? xD btw thanks man!!
Hardware obsolete how so? There is no doubt it's a relatively old controller (Released in '08) but it does have all the features and feature conventions controllers built in the last 2 years have, also consider it was a controller ahead of it's time. However the software does kinda suck i'm not gonna lie. Yes I have used it successfully and if I could only use torq 2 I'd be fine, but I'd seriously pickup a copy of traktor and get a mapping for it as well (considering the dosh you save it's not a stretch to pick up traktor) I really believe the xponent is a good way to get going. Considering money is tight for you, and I assume you and I have similar budjet concerns, I believe you should pick up the xponent, but don't close your self off to the options that these other very smart people will present you. There is a wealth of information here, so look around!

Happy hunting!
Nga Mcquarter
yes, I was also believeing about the xponent, because I found it at 155 euros and so I could get some modular controllers but the problem is that I've heard the hardware (and also the software) are getting obsolete. Soo please, in my case which one would you choose? xD btw thanks man!!
Loan Oballe
I use the xponent, it's freaking mad, and a constantly over looked controller. unfortunately it comes with no native traktor mapping so unless you want to go looking your stuck with using torq 2. I however did a bit of digging and it's pretty easy to find some. it's full of value. it has a built in sound card, and it runs pretty well.
Kellie Myrum
Just enable learn function (will highlite) and press shift, if it is mappable you will notice midi note show up in the slot right next to learn button. Other thing you can check for me is low EQ knob, again enable learn and twist it - value should show. Then, hold shift and twist that same knob and see if this value is maybe different then without using shift.

Short, check if LOw EQ knob is sending different midi values in regards to shift button.
Xenia Gorin
I believe there mappable. I do t have a full grasp on the Traktor language yet, lol! Is there a certain way I could test it to find out for sure?? I also need some help mapping but I'll start my own thread on that.
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by soundinsurgent712
Just bought the DJC.4 two days ago and it's great with both software's. A few I would of liked to see added to it but really I have no complaints.
My only guess would be does shift buttons on DJC.4 send different MIDI massages by firmware for some of controls? I wouldn't surprise if filter and key knobs are working in that way so as dedicated LED's by the knobs. If it doesn't and it's regular MIDI massage then even better but if it does then shift button probably isn't mappable which is bad for some more complex mappings though.

Since you own this controller can you please check if shift is mappable just to be sure?
Xenia Gorin
Just bought the DJC.4 two days ago and it's great with both software's. A few I would of liked to see added to it but really I have no complaints.
Nga Mcquarter
I believe I've seen this one before cause I usually visit Digital DJ Tips, but I'll check it again!! ;D
Kellie Myrum
Here you got very nice review for this unit, check it:

Nga Mcquarter
Allright, then I'd rather choose the Stanton!! Thanks a lot!! ;D
Kellie Myrum
Well vci-100mk2 comes with Traktor LE so you'll need to upgrade it to full version and if you already are a VDJ fan then maybe you should buy to Stanton and play with VDJ till you get yourself a full traktor version and start your mapping.
Nga Mcquarter
Yes, I believe I could do a traktor mapping for the Stanton, but the thing is that I don't have a full version of Traktor yet, for the last year I've been playing with VDJ!! So what do you say?
Kellie Myrum
Stanton comes with VDJ or Serato right? If you know your traktor mappings then grab Stanton and customize it for your traktor flow. If not, then VCI is your friend
Nga Mcquarter
Thank you all for the help!! I also saw the Vestax VCI-100 MKII and I thought that the controlls are very good structurated on it, even if there are less controlls (because I don't play often with Cue Points), also the jog wheels seem pretty cool and it seems more "Traktor-focused" sooo which one would you grab, Stanton DJC 4 or Vestax VCI-100 MKII?
Kellie Myrum
Stanton DJC.4 got great traktor mapping potential when it comes to modifier multi layering. Imagine "master" shift that turns 4x4 button matrix in to 16 layer/mode selector per each deck. Great for jog FX mappings or instant effects and such, you can always map all those basic transport , mixer and grid functions in to 3 or 4 modes leaving other layers for full effects control. Every mode also have "sub" shift for additional commands if needed. I can apply this principal to any controller but this one seem pretty nice for jog FX support same as Studio 4A.
Deangelo Boender
I find that the two most important rules when looking for a controller are:

1 Don't buy the biggest shiniest controller with the most features just because you can. Saying "I'd reather have it and not need it than need it and not have it" doesn't mean you will restrain yourself from getting caught up, and drowning in bells and whistles.

2 Buying a controller that you believe you want and then building your workflow around it will inhibit your ability to progress, and is a surefire way to cramp your own style.

Get to work, do the best you can, and take note of what you find difficult to accomplish. After you really get to know your style and your workflow, only then will you be able to look at a controller and know "yeah, I could really use that." you won't even need to ask the community s.

Also it is my opinion that you get a much better connection to your gear by using a piece of gear with less features, and building it up with layers of midi commands and modifiers, especially if it's a mapping that you build yourself!
Nga Mcquarter
Nice one!! It's amazing!!! Btw I have the Hercules Mp3 e2 xD I know I know, it's not too much, but it's something!!
Rolanda Clodfelder
Originally Posted by LoveBeat
Yeah, I know, but I can spend too much money, just up to 400-450
Nga Mcquarter
Yeah, I know, but I can spend too much money, just up to 400-450€!!
Rolanda Clodfelder
Originally Posted by LoveBeat
Hi everyone!! I wanted to know your opinion about a Numark controller, the iCD Mix 3. I just saw it a few days ago and I thought that if I get a 2-Channel Soundcard I'd had the possibility of mixing with the laptop, CDs and my iPod. Also I own a controller right now so I could do FX and all that stuff. What do you believe about it? Thanks ;D
Honestly sounds like you just want more junk for no real reason

Get a decent controller like the Denon MC6000/s4/vci400 and you can still plug in an iPod, its as easy to Rip CD's to your laptop and have complete control of them via software.

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