Traktor Z2 w/Maschine

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Traktor Z2 w/Maschine
Posted on: 07.02.2013 by Grady Weinkauf
Does anyone her have this combination? Ive been having a weird issue when I route my Maschine audio through the Z2.

For some reason whenever I set cue points and have the Maschine on say A (with sounds loaded) it want to trigger one of those sounds..

I have to put it in a blank bank, say B, so it doesn't continue to do this.

Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by DeeJayJade
Does anyone her have this combination? Ive been having a weird issue when I route my Maschine audio through the Z2.

For some reason whenever I set cue points and have the Maschine on say A (with sounds loaded) it want to trigger one of those sounds..

I have to put it in a blank bank, say B, so it doesn't continue to do this.

Not particularly helpful, but DJ Shiftee does :P

Grady Weinkauf
Does anyone her have this combination? Ive been having a weird issue when I route my Maschine audio through the Z2.

For some reason whenever I set cue points and have the Maschine on say A (with sounds loaded) it want to trigger one of those sounds..

I have to put it in a blank bank, say B, so it doesn't continue to do this.

Evia Nitch
You are running two midi devices on the same channel. Set the midi channel to a different channel in Maschine and you are all good.

Maschine can be triggered through other midi devices. In your case, your Z2 (which is probably firing midi on channel 16) Maschine is set to 'omni" out of the box. Set it to a chnnel that's not being used in any Traktor maps and you are fine.
Grady Weinkauf
hahaha I believe I figured out what it is, I guess Traktor is trying to read Maschine as a midi along with running through Maschine software. I gotta mess with some setting (according to a friend with the same issue in Serato) and it should end it.
Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by DeeJayJade
Does anyone her have this combination? Ive been having a weird issue when I route my Maschine audio through the Z2.

For some reason whenever I set cue points and have the Maschine on say A (with sounds loaded) it want to trigger one of those sounds..

I have to put it in a blank bank, say B, so it doesn't continue to do this.

Not particularly helpful, but DJ Shiftee does :P

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