Reply to Digital Warrior ( DIY mini Maschine/ Push )

Digital Warrior ( DIY mini Maschine/ Push )

Yet another MIDI controller project I'be built based on the Teensy development board, inspired by Ableton Push and NI Maschine. The concept behind this device is that it's going to be used as a 3rd deck instrument ( sample launcher, drum pad, step sequencer ) in Ableton Live synced with my Traktor setup for some live, Reachie Hawtin style percussions on top of a DJ set. And now with Traktors unlocked remix decks it can be used there as well.

Technology wise, there is an 4x4 white LED button pad connected through I2C, multiplexed on a MCP23008, which feels great for finger drumming. Two push rotary encoders with LED's and four analog potentiometers and a shift button, when pressed down you can switched between 8 banks and 4 channels, plus some more settings. This gives us 128 unique mappable elements just on the button pad itself. The rotary encoders can also banked and when engaged, their value is displayed as a graph on the button pad. Every element can send a secondary CC or Note message for more mapping possibilities. The over all build is very light and small, I was also lucky to find silver cast acrylic which looks great.

Here are some build photos


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