Reply to [OT] Tweeting for Joel!
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[OT] Tweeting for Joel! As I said in a previous thread, a friend of mine was tragically killed in an accident on friday. Along with a group of friends, I'm trying to get #raptor trending on twitter in tribute. Please help, if you can. Send it to everone you know! Here's my little poster: I need your help guys! Throughout our uni years we developed so many in-jokes we almost had our own language. As a tribute to our beloved friend, we're trying to get one of those (Raptor) to trend on twitter. Joel would have loved this, and we want to do it in his honour. Please, anyone who uses twitter, write a tweet (or several!) with the hashtag #raptor If you like, @mention me (@JonHersom) Thanks so much! Tweet to copy: Rest in peace Joel Eager. #raptor | |
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