Reply to the thread of hate

the thread of hate
(inspired by another thread)

We all love music, we all have our favorite sounds and tracks and often create threads with lists of good things inside. this thread is not one of them. some things we just can't love and we have to hate them because they're shit. every one of us hates some things. we need to let off some steam so here we go: the thread of things in electronic music that should be shot to the moon and left there to rot. here's my list of things that completely kill any EDM track I might otherwise love:

1. White noise sweeps. sounds like "I have NO idea what else to do in this break." signed, the artist. pffff, psssshhhh, ssssssssssss, swooooshhh, boring. no thanks.

2. stupid vocals. there are two variants and both share one thing: the lyrics suck big time ("feel the beat", "freeeedoooom", "oh-yeahyeahyeah", "hand+air" blah blah). variant one: deep distorted male voice. it's not going to make it sound more meaningful when you say "techno killer" in a techno song. variant 2: aguilera-style female voices. mostly singing: "yeah" or "oooooh". no thanks

3. echos. i like echos and delays to be honest, but since the creation of deep house everything seems to be flooded with them. no, i don't always want to feel like floating in deep deep space and it starts to get boring after 2 minutes. no thanks.

so, that was my top three. maybe you love the things i hate and hate other things.

post them here.
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