Reply to (OT) Can you help me win a startup competition? Will only take 5 seconds!

(OT) Can you help me win a startup competition? Will only take 5 seconds!
Hey everyone!

My partners and myself have entered our (non-dj related, sadly) startup in an Irish startup competition and we need all the votes we can get! The competition was basically to enter a 100 word pitch and get as many votes as possible before Monday. At the moment, we're one of the top two, but we need help to stay on top until the competition closes on Monday. You're help is very greatly appreciated!!

My startup is Prescience AI

You can vote here (you need a Facebook account):
You can read the pitches/intros here:

For convenience, I have copied our pitch below.

Thanks very much!!!


website and Facebook page

Our 100 word pitch:
Hi all, the advent of Prescience Actual Intelligence (PrescienceAI) marks a new frontier for the gaming industry. We provide a solution for social/mobile/web game developers to significantly increase their in-game revenues. Our solution enables developers to monitor the behaviour of successful players that have purchased items and feed this information back to new players in real-time. The information is fed back into the game as hints, dynamic content changes, dynamic AB testing, and gameplay tweaking (eg difficulty level, number of enemies/obstacles, availability of powerups). These on the fly game changes increase purchases made by providing the gamer with an enjoyment optimised gaming experience
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