Reply to Does SSL still not like wav files?

Does SSL still not like wav files?
After switching back to SSL, I had an interesting flashback. Several years ago, when I went to SSL, I already had most of my digital files as wavs because Live didn't support mp3s at the time. When I used them in SSL, I had some weird issues that sounded like crosstalk b/t mixer channels. Switching to mp3s solved the problem.

I'm getting the same kind of issues now, again using wav files.

I'm on my way to GC to pick up a cable tester that can generate tones to make sure it's not my mixer actually being broken. And I plan on testing it with mp3s just to see if that solves it again.

But I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this Problem (nem0nic pointed it out last time, back in like '05).

I can switch to TSP for about 0 cost, but I very muh prefer SSL's GUI and would rather not have to choose between the interface I like and a file format that doesn't sound like trash.

It isn't possible that my computer/drive isn't fast enough, the problem is with SSL. And google didn't help.

Any thoughts?
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