How to set up VCI-SE in Ableton 7??
How to set up VCI-SE in Ableton 7?? Posted on: 07.08.2008 by Paris PeeTee Hi guys,I bought Ableton Live 7 last week and would like to know hot to map and set up the VCI-SE in Ableton and what to map where. for i.e. how to play tracks, pre-listen, use FX etc I'll be using ableton for DJ use only, Please help. Thanks | |
robert chanda 08.08.2008 |
Originally Posted by CoertE
Go visit to get some insight on how to use sends, effects channels and audio routing to get headphone cues on your channels, plus some ideas on how to chain effects into useful racks. After that, the specifics of using a VCI-100 SE are about mapping MIDI events to controls in Live, remembering that each button or knob on a VCI sends multiple messages - i.e., each time you use a knob on the left side it send a MIDI NoteOn/NoteOff pair that is used by Traktor to set the focus to Deck-A as well as the CC message for the knob itself. This makes mapping knobs to controls in Live a little tricky as Live will just use the final MIDI message from the many that each VCI knob or button sends. If you know the exact CC or Note numbers you should set things up by hand. One way around this is to switch your SE back into Firmware 1.2 mode where each knob only sends a single message, but there are anomolies there where two different buttons send the same Note number - see the instruction on how to switch between firmwares. The reason I said this was a $1m question is that there are *so many* ways to do this with Live, and each one is tuned to a particular individuals personal style, that there is no "one true way" to do this. All I can say is look at other people's different setups and pick and choose the techniques that work for you. Good luck! |
Paris PeeTee 07.08.2008 | Hi guys, I bought Ableton Live 7 last week and would like to know hot to map and set up the VCI-SE in Ableton and what to map where. for i.e. how to play tracks, pre-listen, use FX etc I'll be using ableton for DJ use only, Please help. Thanks |
Paris PeeTee 08.08.2008 | Thanks my friend! Yeah well I have played around with Ableton 7 for a while =/- a month , but its my first time ever that I used Abl;eton so I understand that progress will be slow.I have noticed that when I map the SE Channel fader it reacts totally different in Ab;leton as when I slide the fader up on the VCI-Se in Ableton the fader do the total opposite by going down, I used this in firmware 1.3 so maybe I need to change that to yield results. One other thing is how do you know when setting up the EQ-three effect in ableton which channel is active with the EQ and which is not....... Do you use Session or Arrangement view???? Any tips will help tyhanks |
Xavier Emanuels 07.08.2008 | Yeah i would not even begin to attempt to get the VCI-SE firmware working with Ableton, instead working from the ground up using the 1.2 firmware will yeild better results instead of pulling your hair out over the odd midi messages the VCI-SE firmware sends. Thats how i am personally putting my setup together(Traktor routed into Ableton), its slow progress but the results are well worth the pain. In time i will release my own VCI-100 setup publicly so that might be something to look out for if you cannot accomplish this on you own. Researching what other people are doing with Ableton is as a good as place as any to start, no ones going to be able to give you a definitive answer to this question. If this is your first time using a program like Ableton i can assure you that progress will be very slow indeed, but persistence will take you to a new level Do you plan on using Traktor routed to Ableton, or just Ableton on its own ? |
robert chanda 08.08.2008 |
Originally Posted by CoertE
Go visit to get some insight on how to use sends, effects channels and audio routing to get headphone cues on your channels, plus some ideas on how to chain effects into useful racks. After that, the specifics of using a VCI-100 SE are about mapping MIDI events to controls in Live, remembering that each button or knob on a VCI sends multiple messages - i.e., each time you use a knob on the left side it send a MIDI NoteOn/NoteOff pair that is used by Traktor to set the focus to Deck-A as well as the CC message for the knob itself. This makes mapping knobs to controls in Live a little tricky as Live will just use the final MIDI message from the many that each VCI knob or button sends. If you know the exact CC or Note numbers you should set things up by hand. One way around this is to switch your SE back into Firmware 1.2 mode where each knob only sends a single message, but there are anomolies there where two different buttons send the same Note number - see the instruction on how to switch between firmwares. The reason I said this was a $1m question is that there are *so many* ways to do this with Live, and each one is tuned to a particular individuals personal style, that there is no "one true way" to do this. All I can say is look at other people's different setups and pick and choose the techniques that work for you. Good luck! |
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