Reply to Help Needed? Setting Traktor up with Novation Nio 2/4 and VCI-100??
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Help Needed? Setting Traktor up with Novation Nio 2/4 and VCI-100?? Help Needed? Setting Traktor up with Novation Nio 2/4 and VCI-100?? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi All, Firstly hi as I am new to the world of digital DJ'ing and DJTT. I have spent the last 10 years on vinyl and CD and felt the time was right to swap to digital however I am finding the set up a evening mare. I am using a Sony Viao laptop (Windows 7) with Traktor Pro, Novation Nio soundcard and KRK Rokit 6's. I seem to be having mass issues with getting the nio to work correctly as I have set it up to the best of my knowledge, however seem to be getting a flat sound with no bass? It sounds perfect in my earphones however when it is coming from my speakers it sounds clean however there is just no bass? I am also having some issues with My VCI-100 as well as Traktor just desnt seem to recognise it? It was working fine with LE however as soon as I have upgraded to Pro it seem to have stopped working?? I have just purchased the new overlay from DJTT and added the latest TSI and am desperate to get it working correctly, but just seem to be having no joy? Can someone please offer some advise or shed some light on this for me? Cheers M | |
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