vci an 3.4 mapping isnt working

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vci an 3.4 mapping isnt working
Posted on: 20.03.2010 by Sherryl Nonato
VCI 3.4 is not working??
Hi all im in need of some help

i downloaded the new 3.4 tsi file to test out the new mapping before i buy a overlay, its great but these are the problems im having

when i click on any of the fx presets buttons nothing happens, im guessing it lights up the numbers in traktor pro

when i turn scratch on its stops the vci from working, an randoms lights flash on and off

im im using the fx knobs, sometimes the scratch light turns on and i cant use use the fx knobs on deck A as there controling deck C

also cant choose number 1 in the control fx if the scratch is on??

HELP im using the tsi file which has fix in it but nothings working

thanks everyone who can help
Sherryl Nonato
VCI 3.4 is not working??
Hi all im in need of some help

i downloaded the new 3.4 tsi file to test out the new mapping before i buy a overlay, its great but these are the problems im having

when i click on any of the fx presets buttons nothing happens, im guessing it lights up the numbers in traktor pro

when i turn scratch on its stops the vci from working, an randoms lights flash on and off

im im using the fx knobs, sometimes the scratch light turns on and i cant use use the fx knobs on deck A as there controling deck C

also cant choose number 1 in the control fx if the scratch is on??

HELP im using the tsi file which has fix in it but nothings working

thanks everyone who can help
Sherryl Nonato
sorry half of these things cant be fixed from watching the video my bad..

BUT when ever i wanna do something the scratch buttons light up an the vci becomes buggy

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