3_5 Mapping: severe problem still not solved

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3_5 Mapping: severe problem still not solved
Posted on: 31.03.2010 by Daniel McCoy

first of all big thanks to the Ean and the DJTT crew for constantly improving the controller mapping.

However the problem described here

http://www.djranking s.com/community /showthread.php?t=11891

is still unsolved and hasn't changed a bit with the introduction of the 3_5 mapping (including the "fixed" mapping).

I can rule out my hardware or software environment as my setup is running more than rock solid with all other applications and hardware (e.g. other midi controllers). Even a fresh install with different OSes doesn't make a difference.

I'm really disappointed because buying the SE-controller, the new overlay and Traktor Pro adds up to a nice little amount of money. But frankly speaking: zero hours of usage for several hundred bucks?!

So I really would like to know if there will be a solution as otherwise I just end the disappointed "project" and get rid the controller and software. Thanks!
Doug Bieling
Originally Posted by calvin01
a djtt ub cable fixed it for me.have you tried this?
Can anyone else confirm this ?
Leota Saniuk
Originally Posted by yosemite
I'm really disappointed because buying the SE-controller, the new overlay and Traktor Pro adds up to a nice little amount of money. But frankly speaking: zero hours of usage for several hundred bucks?!
Problems like this suck, but its not like DJTT has tried to hide these issues. Plus there is a work around, which unfortunately requires additional software. Moreover if you are seeing no use for the gear without the TSI .. then I do not know what to really say. I mean seriously .. zero hours of usage?
Edris Acevedo
Originally Posted by MisterMoleyMole

Please don't take my mac comment as a comment like this. I am a pc user so am not being the norm mac pusher. I do however appreciate that they clearly handle midi better so thats why my suggestion was made.
HAHA! I knew this little dig had the potential to spur into a Mac V PC thread. Just a spot of light humour. Didn't mean to offend. Each to their own.
Corine Kasman
Originally Posted by yosemite
I find this totally unacceptable as I'm not a big fan of workarounds (as they just don't solve the problem).
Yet you are asking for a workaround for a problem that is a result of your configuration (agreed, you have little control over the fact that a PC does not handle midi "flooding" very well).

As a Mac user, I feel your pain on most things that are "PC only".

I'm sure that DJTT are working on it, but again there is only so much they can do without stripping functionality.

Doug Bieling
Originally Posted by Audio Aerosol
Once you have bought a Mac there is no turning back!

Please don't take my mac comment as a comment like this. I am a pc user so am not being the norm mac pusher. I do however appreciate that they clearly handle midi better so thats why my suggestion was made.
Daniel McCoy

first of all big thanks to the Ean and the DJTT crew for constantly improving the controller mapping.

However the problem described here

http://www.djranking s.com/community /showthread.php?t=11891

is still unsolved and hasn't changed a bit with the introduction of the 3_5 mapping (including the "fixed" mapping).

I can rule out my hardware or software environment as my setup is running more than rock solid with all other applications and hardware (e.g. other midi controllers). Even a fresh install with different OSes doesn't make a difference.

I'm really disappointed because buying the SE-controller, the new overlay and Traktor Pro adds up to a nice little amount of money. But frankly speaking: zero hours of usage for several hundred bucks?!

So I really would like to know if there will be a solution as otherwise I just end the disappointed "project" and get rid the controller and software. Thanks!
Mac Fly
Its worth your while getting those cables. I used to experience problems as well untill I picked up 3 of them, for usage and back up.
Doug Bieling
Originally Posted by calvin01
a djtt ub cable fixed it for me.have you tried this?
Can anyone else confirm this ?
Jolyn Brunello
a djtt ub cable fixed it for me.have you tried this?
Corine Kasman
I don't believe the 4ms it takes to go through the pattern is a problem. If you could see a 10ms jump between any of the grouped 5 notes, this would indicate a problem. But as they steam through quickly, this should not be the problem.

First rule of testing is to ask a question you know the answer to (and you prove yourself right or wrong). Here it was more of a shot in the dark as I did not know what to expect. I was believeing that if we could isolate the amount of midi messages it takes to start screwing things up, we might get somewhere. But rather it seems just that the midi and sound are fighting for processor time and this causes an interruption in the audio stream.

Does the problem go away if jack up the latency? This is also not an acceptable solution, but one that will again lead to fault isolation.

There are probably a bunch of sparkies laughing at a mechanical guy trying to figure out micro processors, but hey, I'll learn something.

Daniel McCoy
I just gave it a very quick try (using Midi-OX) and it's seems to be so much sloooower:

138264 2 3 144 79 127 1 G 5 Note On
138265 2 3 176 94 87 1 --- CC: Celeste Depth
138266 2 3 176 95 64 1 --- CC: Phaser Depth
138267 2 3 176 96 0 1 --- CC: Data Increment
138420 2 3 144 79 0 1 G 5 Note Off
143802 2 3 144 82 127 1 Bb 5 Note On
143803 2 3 176 97 105 1 --- CC: Data Decrement
143804 2 3 176 98 64 1 --- CC: NRPN LSB
143805 2 3 176 99 0 1 --- CC: NRPN MSB
143954 2 3 144 82 0 1 Bb 5 Note Off

The timestamp shows milliseconds since device has been opened. So if I read this correct it's more like 4ms rather. But I have no idea if this is a good or bad value.
Daniel McCoy

I'm not "accusing" DJTT - not at all. I certainly appreciate their work and I believe I have expressed that on a couple of occasions.

However it is frustrating as I can't do anything to change the situation (whereas when my PC is broken or something like that I know how to reinstall an OS, change a hard drive etc.) and I rely on the good work of DJTT.

I bought the SE and the overlays to take advantage of the DJTT .tsi because they are the best. But with the current limitation it's really impossible to use the controller. Hence "zero hours". Thing is I have very little time to tweak the .tsi-file myself and had hoped to find a well thought-through .tsi from DJTT.


excellent post. thank you. I will try to look into this during the upcoming look weekend.
Corine Kasman
OK, not trying to stir the pot.

Agreed on the argument, it is useless. Both have strengths and weaknesses.

As for the midi flood, this is what I read on the Midi Monitor when I press and release the FX Type button:
13:11:05.231 From Vestax PC-CONTROLLER Note Off 1 G4 0
13:11:06.281 From Vestax PC-CONTROLLER Note On 1 G4 127
13:11:06.281 From Vestax PC-CONTROLLER Control 1 Celeste/Detune Depth 87
13:11:06.281 From Vestax PC-CONTROLLER Control 1 Phaser Depth 64
13:11:06.281 From Vestax PC-CONTROLLER Control 1 Data Button +1 0
13:11:06.403 From Vestax PC-CONTROLLER Note Off 1 G4 0

As you can see, there are 5 commands in the same millisecond.

The Route FX looks similar, but with only 4 commands in the same millisecond:
13:14:43.414 From Vestax PC-CONTROLLER Note On 1 A#4 127
13:14:43.414 From Vestax PC-CONTROLLER Control 1 Data Button -1 105
13:14:43.414 From Vestax PC-CONTROLLER Control 1 Non-Registered Parameter LSB 64
13:14:43.414 From Vestax PC-CONTROLLER Control 1 Non-Registered Parameter MSB 0
13:14:43.545 From Vestax PC-CONTROLLER Note Off 1 A#4 0

Could you do the same and see which one is causing the jump? Theoretically there should be a discontinuity between the command times at the "bottle neck".

Leota Saniuk
Originally Posted by yosemite
I'm really disappointed because buying the SE-controller, the new overlay and Traktor Pro adds up to a nice little amount of money. But frankly speaking: zero hours of usage for several hundred bucks?!
Problems like this suck, but its not like DJTT has tried to hide these issues. Plus there is a work around, which unfortunately requires additional software. Moreover if you are seeing no use for the gear without the TSI .. then I do not know what to really say. I mean seriously .. zero hours of usage?
Daniel McCoy

I'm sorry to say but you sound like a typical Mac "fanboy" to me.
your answer doesn't help to find a solution. it's rather the kind of feedback that is not appreciated.

and talking of "PC only": we could discuss for the rest of the year about things that work only on a PC and not on a Mac.
Edris Acevedo
Originally Posted by MisterMoleyMole

Please don't take my mac comment as a comment like this. I am a pc user so am not being the norm mac pusher. I do however appreciate that they clearly handle midi better so thats why my suggestion was made.
HAHA! I knew this little dig had the potential to spur into a Mac V PC thread. Just a spot of light humour. Didn't mean to offend. Each to their own.
Corine Kasman
Originally Posted by yosemite
I find this totally unacceptable as I'm not a big fan of workarounds (as they just don't solve the problem).
Yet you are asking for a workaround for a problem that is a result of your configuration (agreed, you have little control over the fact that a PC does not handle midi "flooding" very well).

As a Mac user, I feel your pain on most things that are "PC only".

I'm sure that DJTT are working on it, but again there is only so much they can do without stripping functionality.

Daniel McCoy
I sold my last Mac 1997 and never looked back and never will.
I agree the Mac has some advantages but the disadvantages outweigh them big time. But let's not go into philosophical discussions as we all know there never will be a mutual agreement and understanding amongst Mac and PC users.

The whole thing is supposed to be a fun thing to distract me from work and other hardships.

My PC is streamlined and as I've mentioned everything else (DAW apps, office apps, email etc.) is running smoothly. Even a "virgin setup" with a minimum of processes running gives me the same results. And if you take a look at my PC specs you will notice that processing power etc. is not an issue.

As I've stated in the original thread the "Bomes & Loopbe"-way is no solution for me. I find this totally unacceptable as I'm not a big fan of workarounds (as they just don't solve the problem).
Doug Bieling
Originally Posted by Audio Aerosol
Once you have bought a Mac there is no turning back!

Please don't take my mac comment as a comment like this. I am a pc user so am not being the norm mac pusher. I do however appreciate that they clearly handle midi better so thats why my suggestion was made.
Edris Acevedo
Once you have bought a Mac there is no turning back!
Doug Bieling
I believe the options at the min are ...

- go back to an old mapping until this issue is sorted.
- buy a mac, as they handle midi a lot better
- try streamline your pc, as the issue is down to it not being able to handle the amount of midi messages its transmitting at once
- bomes and loopbe solution
- make do until its sorted

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