Reply to VCI-100SE issues with TSP 1.2.5??
VCI-100SE issues with TSP 1.2.5?? Hello, I am having problems with Traktor seeing my VSI-100se. I have the latest firmware 1.3 on VCI. Also, I just installed 1.2.5 on Traktor Scratch Pro. I am able to verify my VSI is version 1.3 by clicking on button on left jog wheel and it toggles on and off. I am not getting the blue midi signal in Traktor. I was able to go to prefrences/Controller Manager and import, then (on Device) select VCI-100SE - Generic MIDI (All Ports, All Ports) Then I close the window. Still no MIDI response on Traktor and when I go back to Prefrences/Controller Manager; it reverts back to Generic Keyboard!! Am I missing something or for some reason it is not holding the info? What should I do? I noticed someone else had this problem or simular at- /showthread.php?t=12739 His name was Arthur? Any help would be appreciated. Thank You, Geoff | |
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