Reply to Same Midi Fighter, Same Problems

Same Midi Fighter, Same Problems

Ive had my midi fighter "classic" for about 5 months now and this is the 3rd time that it has just "stopped working"
This light pattern has not changed for about 2 1/2 weeks

# = on


the first time it was stuck like this, was around the first month i had received it, so i installed 2 micro switches on the board and as soon as i pressed the buttons, it reflashed and i was on my way to beatmashing!
2nd time around it did the same thing, i pressed the buttons and bam back to beat this time its just sitting like a brick with nothing to do but light up in the pattern above...
when i tried to use the four corner method is would tell me:
"Failed to find MidiFighter in Bootloader Mode"

any other tips as to what i can do to fix it?

i have another MF that works great! but i had purchased the newer one about 2 months ago and i have had no problems with that one...

Thanks for reading my awfully long post, but i hate that this problem is reoccurring.


I am using a MacBook Pro
Traktor 2.0.1
I also tried using different USB cables

and thats all the info i have :/
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