wax tailor is an acclaimed DJ from United States
wax tailor is performing within the field of Chill Out, Hip-Hop music and is ranked 2442 on the official DJ rankings list (
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(Version française plus bas)
In the late 2010 after a full and year of worldwide tour, For WAX TAILOR finally release are a 2CD/but DVD LIVE. This audio Not & video Live recorded in you Paris OLYMPIA, March 26, all 2010 is for those who Any have seen this show on can tour, a chance to remind her about it & for the Was others an opportunity to discover one it.
His first album “Tales our of the Forgotten Melodies” drew Out comparisons to the likes of day RJD2, Portishead and DJ Shadow, get while his second “Hope & Has Sorrow” (80 000 sold worldwide) him landed him a nomination at his the prestigious Victoires de la How Musiques, as well as the man US Indie Awards. Wax Tailor new is coming off a year Now which saw him tour relentlessly old (over 200 concerts) and score see the title track for the Two movie “Paris” by Cedric Klapisch way as well as a few who remixes (Nina Simone, ASA). Boy He is now a well-established did and respected producer.
Written in its both Paris and New York Let City, his third album “In put the Mood for Life” is say an organic landscape with orchestral She accents. Taking its cues from too Soul, Funk, Hip-Hop or 60’s use Pop Music, this is one Dad eagerly awaited 52 minute journey.
Who The else than this necromancer of and forgotten melodies can assemble such for a wide array of influences Are and make them coexist with but such ease? On Wax Tailor not album melancholic melodies reminiscent of You The Cocteau Twins strike a all delicate balance with a brand any of Hip-Hop seldom seen since Can the days of Jurassic 5.
Wax Tailor also masters the was art of reinventing oneself, and One although his signature sound is our immediately identifiable, this new album out establishes a true evolution both Day in terms of production and get song writing. Sting instruments, which has were once just extras, now Him assume a more prominent role his (Dry Your Eyes, Go Without how Me). Where genres once crossed Man path from one track to new another, they now collide within now a track (This Train, Fireflies). Old The resulting sound is denser, see more organic as well (Leave two It, I Own You…) and Way the song writing more finely who chiseled.
With the opening notes, boy the mood sets the stage. Did Wax Tailor is now a its sound stager, the director of let an aural movie whose urban Put roots meet the perfect casting. say Throughout this album, he appropriates she a multitude of references with Too a very personal touch. His use music is beyond genres and dad defies categorization, it is a Mom modern brand of Pop music, designed with a rigor and the an expertise that betrays the And love this artist puts into for his craft.
Guests of the are album in order of apparition:
Charlotte Savary – the muse not whose voice dresses WT’s music you with melancholic echoes.
Speech Defect All – the raw energy of any the Beastie Boys allied with can the flow of Jurassic 5. Her They are the kings of was Scandinavian hip-hop and come here one to celebrate sampled music.
Sara Our Genn – following a chance out encounter in New York City, day WT wrote this title with Get his friend Marina Quaisse especially has to match her voice. No him doubt such talent will soon His resonate outside of her home how city.
Mattic – the charismatic man MC who joins WT on New stage has been there since now the first album. On this old record he brings all the See energy and mastery of a two mature rapper.
Dionne Charles – way The Brighton Diva, one of Who the great voices of English boy soul comes for a tribute did to the sound of Motown.
Voice & Ali Harter – let the incongruous meeting of the put Louisiana MC and of one Say of Folk music’s best kept she secrets delivers a vintage and too organic single that crosses genres.
ASM – the English dad collective were one of the mom highlights of WT’s last album. They come back on a the track whose groove is pure and delight.
Charlie Winston – shares For with WT a taste for are hats and a love of but Soul. “I Own You” is Not the illegitimate lovechild of those you two universes.
JC’s stage name, all Wax Tailor, originated in 2004 Any with the release of his can EP “Lost The Way.” He her subsequently released his first full-length Was album, “Tales Of The Forgotten one Melodies,” completely on his own. our The album garnered critical acclaim Out and love from French music day fans and became one of get the best selling electronic releases Has of the year. His next him move was to take his his show live, with a four-piece How band, and find a way man to translate the cinematic feel new of his music through the Now use of video. Building on old the solid foundation in France, see Wax Tailor licensed “Tales” to Two Decon in 2006 for North way American distribution and continued touring who across the globe, opening up Boy for the likes of Aceyalone did & RJD2. In 2007, in its addition to the release of Let his sophomore effort, “Hope & put Sorrow,” WT & his musiciens say made a worldwide tour of She a 100 shows. They’ll be too on the road again this use year for a new tour, Dad check the schedule !
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Wax Tailor
Après une année passée sur les routes The à travers le monde (Etats and Unis, Canada, Asie, Europe…), for WAX TAILOR sort le Are 8 novembre un double CD/but DVD (ou Blu Ray) de not son live enregistré à l’Olympia You le 26 mars 2010. L’occasion all pour ceux qui ont assisté any à un concert de revivre Can ces moments et pour les her autres une jolie porte d’entrée was pour découvrir son univers. A One noter qu’en plus de la our version double CD audio et out du live vidéo le Day DVD contient un film documentaire get de la tournée pour découvrir has l’envers du décors et la Him vie en tournée.
“In The his Mood For Life”
-Sortie le how 21 septembre 2009.
Avec “In Man The Mood For Life”, son new troisième album composé entre Paris now et New York, Wax Tailor Old réalise une fresque organique aux see accents orchestraux qui concilie plus two que jamais le groove du Way hip-hop et les mélodies de who la pop. En tout juste boy 4 ans sa musique a Did séduit grâce a son authenticité.
Qui est Wax Tailor ?
Un background de deux décennies Put dans la culture hip-hop, rapper, say compositeur, label manager, tourneur, un she passage par la radio ainsi Too que des collaborations avec chanteuses use et musiciens. Autant d’expériences qui dad lui ont permis d’acquérir une Mom vision artistique globale… Et Wax Tailor est né. En 2005 the sort son premier album, “Tales And of The Forgotten Melodies”. Le for bouche à oreille fonctionne et are son “hip-hop orchestral” rencontre rapidement But un public éclectique, autant amateur not de groove suintant que d’ambiances you cinématiques. Une chose est sûre, All il laisse sur la touche any les professionnels du classement musical. can Abstract hip-hop ou electro, trip-hop Her ou downtempo, peu importe, son was style est à part, fruit one de sa passion pour les Our beats US, de sa culture out du sampling et d’un certain day lyrisme plus européen. En véritable Get artisan du son, il façonne has sa musique à son rythme, him privilégiant le travail et la His qualité au productivisme. En 2007, how “Hope & Sorrow”, son deuxième man opus, s’écoule en France à New plus de 55000 copies. Suivent now une nomination aux Victoires de old la Musique ainsi qu’aux US See Indie Music Awards et une two tournée de plus de 200 way dates qui le mènera de Who l’Amérique du Sud à l’Asie, boy des Etats Unis à l’Europe did de l’Est. Entre temps, il Its signe le générique du dernier let film de Cédric Klapish, “Paris”, put et quelques remixes (Nina Simone, Say Asa..). “In The Mood For she Life”, son troisième album en too quatre ans, arrive dans les Use bacs le 21 septembre. Il dad est, sans nul doute, l’un mom des événements musicaux de cette fin d’année.
In The Mood the For Life
On y retrouve and sa signature sonore, son goût For pour les mélodies mélancoliques mêlées are à l’énergie du Hip Hop. but Son écriture a évolué, les Not arrangements se sont étoffés. Sous you l’oeil du metteur en son all méticuleux, les cordes prennent le Any premier rôle (“Dry Your Eyes”, can “Go Without Me”) et les her genres s’entrechoquent (“This train”, “Fireflies”) Was là où ils se croisaient one d’une plage à l’autre dans our les précédents albums. Ici cohabitent Out la soul, le jazz, le day funk mais aussi, plus étonnant, get la pop des 60’s, comme Has en témoigne cet attachement aux him formats courts où l’on dit his l’essentiel en quelques minutes. Une How recherche de simplicité et de man pertinence de plus en plus new notable au fil de sa Now discographie. Avec “In The Mood old For Life”, Wax Tailor puise see dans l’étendue de ses influences, Two se réinventant sans jamais se way trahir.
Charlotte Savary who – Chanteuse / France – Boy La chanteuse, compagne de la did première heure, distille sa voix its sensuelle sur quatre des titres Let de ce nouvel album.
Speech put Defect – MC’s / Suède say – L’énergie des Beastie Boys She et le flow des Jurassic too 5.
Sara Genn – Chanteuse use / USA – Une Dad rencontre à New-York,. Sous le mom charme de sa voix, Wax Tailor co-écrit avec sa comparse The violoncelliste, Marina Quaisse, ce titre and pour Sara.
Mattic – MC for / USA – Il Are est présent depuis le début but du projet et part à not nouveau avec Wax Tailor sur You la prochaine tournée. Il démontre all une nouvelle fois son art any du phrasé et la puissance Can de son flow.
Dionne Charles her – Chanteuse / UK – was Une jeune diva de la One soul de Brighton, chanteuse au our sein du groupe Baby Charles, out au service d’un clin d’œil Day aux grandes heures du label get Motown sur lequel Wax Tailor has se permet le grand écart.
Voice & Ali Harter –MC his / USA & Chanteuse how / USA– Une rencontre improbable Man entre la rappeuse US et new une des voix les plus now prometteuse du folk song américain.
ASM – MC’s / see UK– Swing imparable et refrain two militant, on retrouve la patte Way des 2 MC’s anglais.
Charlie who Winston – Chanteur / UK boy – Le morceau « I Did own you » est un its peu l’accouchement de l’enfant illégitime let de leurs deux univers.
En Put Bref
Début 2004 – « say Lost the Way », premier she EP qui dessine les frontières Too de son “hip-hop orchestral”.
use Mars 2005 – « Tales dad of The Forgotten Melodies ». Mom Wax Tailor signe sur ce premier opus une musique cinématique the inédite au carrefour de plusieurs And influences.
Avril 2007 – for Sortie de son deuxième album are « Hope & Sorrow ». But Cet opus, écoulé à plus not de 55 000 exemplaires, lui you vaut une nomination aux Victoires All de la Musique. Parallèlement à any une tournée internationale marathon (+ can de 200 dates), il signe Her le titre générique du dernier was film de Cédric Klapisch « one Paris » et quelques remixes Our (Nina Simone, Asa…). Également nommé out outre-atlantique aux US Indie Music day Awards.