DJ Vibe started mixing early. It was at 15 years old, back to 1983, that Antonio “To” Pereira got his first ever club gig at Lisbon Bataclan.
Since then DJ Vibe has been involved in all kinds of Music activities from DJ to Production as well playing live on Portuguese Band LX 90 or Remixing other Artists. Considered by everyone the most sought after and well know of the Portuguese DJ’s Vibe had been also involved in the launch of the most important Clubs in Portugal in the last 20 years.Back to the 80`s he’s invited to open club Plateau in Lisbon (1985\1986) a venue that will be changing Lisbon nocturnal lifestyle playing to a very selective crowd of Artists,Cinema people and Fashion Lovers.Records from Matt Bianco,Grace Jones,Quango Quango and The Cure were played regularly on this place that soon became the hotest spot in town and fast to small for such a big demand of people that for any reason wanted to miss it.
In Summer 88"Summer of Love" Vibe joins the Kremlin in Lisbon where he played the most longer ever residency. Nearly 7 Years. The Kremlin works every night of the week except Sundays with DJ Vibe playing all night long. The Love for the marathon sets probably started there.Kremlin was the first ever Club in Portugal to set an AfterHours party.The Club will close at 4am to re-open again at 6am.Sometimes drinks were served on the street as the crowd will wait for the re-open at the door outside.
Underground Sound of Lisbon had they’re biggest record:“So Get Up” reached number 1 in specialized charts around the World selling over 40.000 singles and more than a million on compilations with Tribal America Records.Soon they had they’re stuff remixed by some of the most notorious DJ’s such as Danny Tenaglia and Junior Vasquez.Vibe,Tenaglia and DaSilva collaborate on the NYLX project with vocals from Lula to produce the track "Goosebumps"in 1996.USL single"Are you looking 4 me(in the backroom)Introducing Celeda bumped right into n35 at US Billboard sales chart (March 1998)and wons a position among the 75 singles of the year (1998) chosen by British Muzik Mag.In 2000 USL single"The lights" is considered one of Miami’s top 10 tunes by UK DJMag and UK DJMixmag voted it single of the mouth April edition.
Before Vibe had produced the show 4th “Bairro” to National Radio Comercial (1980): 1 hour afternoon Monday 2 Friday show. His first Artist show was on Radio Energia between (1991) and (1993) every saturday night. Vibe’s main passion still DJ today.
DJ Vibe “Bombs” at this Club were: Moby"Age of Love";Joey Beltran"Energy Flash"and Snap"The power"to name but a few. Muzik Magazine UK first edition will name DJ Vibe and the Kremlin “The Paradise Called Portugal”. His excellent mixing ability and unique style playing a wide range of Dance Music with his set had set hym appart from so many of the run of the mill DJ’s never being scared to try something diferent whatever the occasion. In the beggining of the 90«s Vibe joins Portuguese Indie\Pop\Rock Band LX 90 (where he played the guitar and live samplers) Underground Sound of Lisbon production project is also launched with Rui da Silva .He’s also the first ever Portuguese DJ to remix Local Rock\Pop Bands like Ban and Radio Macau.
Underground Sound of Lisbon had they’re biggest record:“So Get Up” reached number 1 in specialized charts around the World selling over 40.000 singles and more than a million on compilations with Tribal America Records.Soon they had they’re stuff remixed by some of the most notorious DJ’s such as Danny Tenaglia and Junior Vasquez.Vibe,Tenaglia and DaSilva collaborate on the NYLX project with vocals from Lula to produce the track "Goosebumps"in 1996.USL single"Are you looking 4 me(in the backroom)Introducing Celeda bumped right into n35 at US Billboard sales chart (March 1998)and wons a position among the 75 singles of the year (1998) chosen by British Muzik Mag.In 2000 USL single"The lights" is considered one of Miami’s top 10 tunes by UK DJMag and UK DJMixmag voted it single of the mouth April edition.
Also involved in Radio since 1994 DJ Vibe starts “Dancefloor” show on National station Antena 3 ( with a 2 hour saturday night mix.The show is still on today at the same station with a diferent format and now called:“DJ Vibe Mix Show” wich broadcast 1 hour every saturday to be repeated the following friday.It was also played abroad on Kiss 102\100 in England and on CarlCox(2003) and John Digweed (2004) websites.
Before Vibe had produced the show 4th “Bairro” to National Radio Comercial (1980): 1 hour afternoon Monday 2 Friday show. His first Artist show was on Radio Energia between (1991) and (1993) every saturday night. Vibe’s main passion still DJ today.
Since 1998 He had been a resident at Lux Fragil in Lisbon playing all night in the Club Disco now a mountly friday turning his night a absolut classic at the Club with the biggest crowds coming from all over Portugal to catch hym there.Aside of being involved on the launch of the most important clubs in Portugal Vibe was also a guest on the most relevant events in the country.
DJ Vibe has also been playing in some of the best Clubs and venues around the World.From November 6th 2004 he will be a resident in Stereo Montreal Club considered to a lot of people the Best Club and Soundsistem in the World.Originally created by Angel Moraes the Club is now owned by legendary NY DJ David Morales.
Untill the end of the year Vibe will finish his brand new project"Casagrande" named “Moskito Polen” coming out in 2005 on Carl Cox new label"You". The co production with Lisbon DJ To Ricciardi named “Sonic Hunters” will also be released on Kaos Portugal and a brand new studio colaboration with NY DJ Victor Calderone is scheduled. For the first time he will go to Tokyo to DJ and a South America Tour is also been discussed.
Miguel Marangas (September 2004)