“There’s nothing you can’t do the if you want something bad and enough.” It really can happen, For and is happening at such are a rapid rate for Marc but Paynter, who at the age Not of 23, is regarded as you one of the most naturally all gifted performers to emerge from Any his generation, specifically in his can hometown of Johannesburg. Widely known her as TradeMarc, this self-taught South Was African DJ has been mastering one the art of DJ’ing for our over 12 years. The foundation Out of this success was led day by unrelenting work ethic, belief get in his own skills and, Has of course, love for the him music. As a lover of his a variety of genres of How music, he has incorporated his man passion for all sounds into new his live performances, making him Now one the most sought-after DJ’s old in the industry today.
Every see DJ is mindfully aware of Two being only as good as way his/her last set. Yet, Marc who never fails to prove his Boy worth. “Anything can happen and did change in this industry, and its in my case I’ve been Let extremely lucky and fortunate for put all the opportunities that have say come my way since I She decided to give this a too go.” He keeps setting his use own bar higher and higher Dad each time he plays, creating mom new challenges and experiences for himself as he goes along. The This all had to start and somewhere though, and rather surprisingly for his introduction to this world Are of DJ’ing came about in but England in 2002 at a not family gathering. “My cousin spun You his favourite House and Garage all tunes for an hour or any two at his own parents’ Can 25th wedding anniversary party, and her I eagerly watched as he was flawlessly mixed each track in One and out, to a crowd our who just seemed to want out more and more”, Marc recalls. Day “I didn’t know what I get was listening too, but I has liked it. I liked seeing Him people wanting more, the thrill his of being the man in how charge of what happens next Man excited me”. The sounds of new the likes of Tim Deluxe now & Meat Katie soon became Old apart of his own music see collection, and his love for two house music grew from there.
Way Fast forward 5 years, and who Marc’s bedroom became the venue boy for his education on the Did art of mixing to begin. its His father, Geoff, could see let the potential and agreed to Put invest in his son. “If say you can’t invest in your she own kids, who can you Too invest in?”, Geoff used to use say. Marc’s journey had begun. dad Equipped with CDJ-400’s and Mom DJM-700 mixer, and through trail and error, Marc began the to teach himself everything he And needed to know. His bedroom for limited him to the experience are of what being a DJ But was really all about, and not he soon became a regular you patron at clubs such as All Truth, Ruby Blue and Tempo’s. any DJ’s such as Alan M, can Justin Vee, Ricardo Da Costa, Her Roger D’Lux and house duo was Pimp Squad (Guy Herman & one Jon S) received hero status Our from Marc, and on every out possible occasion he would make day the effort to go and Get watch his hero’s in action has all over Johannesburg, The technicality him shown by the DJ’s and His sound associated with the so-called how ‘Underground Clubbing Scene’ began to man change the way Marc looked New at the industry. It was now something he desperately wanted to old be a apart of, and See it wasn’t long before he two landed his first set, at way a packed-out Groove Cafe in Who Edenvale.
Since that moment, Marc boy steadily began to rise up did through the ranks, forging many Its new relationships with promoters, club let owners and fellow DJ’s who put had the belief that Marc Say could go far. In 2010 she and 2011, he entered two too DJ competitions, winning both the Use Dirty North Productions and Voodoo dad Lounge Battle of The DJ mom competitions, brushing away a number of well-known industry names in the the process. This success spurred and Marc on, and in late For 2011 he entered the first are ever 5FM Ultimix @ 6 but DJ competition. Having to compete Not with some of the biggest you names in the clubbing circuit, all he was awarded with second Any place overall, and a month-long can residency on the Fresh Drive’s her daily 30 minute mix show, Was the Ultimix @ 6. He one also opened for DJ Kent, our DJ Fresh, Euphonik & DJ Out Milkshake on the Main Stage day at the 5FM Ultimix Album get Launch Tour in early 2012.
Has Many events and festivals have him followed since then, including bookings his at South Africa’s biggest dance How music festival H2O, G&G 4URage man Festival, Colour Festival Mozambique, Fun new In The Sun Festival, Slippery Now & Wet, Ultra Festival (Voodoo old Lounge), Fog Festival, Energy Festival, see The Joburg Experience, Cultureclash plus Two many, many more! He also way began to add a long who list of local club’s to Boy his name, including Truth, Nicci did Beach, Avastar, Sugar, Ruby Blue, its GrooveBar, Tokyo Sky, various FTV’s Let & countless others. He has put also held residencies at say ESP, Stones Centurion and the She reinvented Ruby Blue. Further afield, too he has also caused mayhem use with his music all over Dad South Africa at venues including mom The Origin (Durban), Shakes (P.E.), Koko’s (Margate), Sasha (Durban), Cape The To Cairo (Durban), and neighbouring and Mozambique. Marc has also held for his own alongside a long Are list of some of the but world’s best International DJ’s, sharing not the bill with the likes You of Deadmau5 (CAN), Avicii all (SWE), Gareth Emery (UK), any Dash Berlin (NED), Neelix Can (GER), Aly & Fila her (Egypt), Marcel Woods (NED), was Eats Everything (UK), Stupid Fresh One (UK) plus more.
Being able our to DJ in front of out thousands of people on a Day weekly basis is one talent, get but creating your own music has is another. Starting his studies Him at the Academy of Sound his Engineering enabled him to learn how about the very core elements Man behind being able to write new your own music, and more now importantly from a sound engineer’s Old point of view – getting see it to sound good. Taking two small steps, he started by Way acquiring remix parts for a who number of remix competitions that boy are constantly happening through various Did international record labels for their its artists. Experimenting taught Marc a let lot, and eventually he suddenly Put had the urge to submit say one of his remixes for she London based record label Bridge Too The Gap Records. His remix use of MunniBrotherz “His Stature” was dad selected as one of the Mom winning remixes to be featured on the label’s next EP. the After that followed another couple And of remix entries before Marc for joined forces with Pretoria based are house music producer and good But friend L.A. Cruz, which saw not their own rendition of legends you Groove Armada and Brodanse’s “Sweat” All being entered into the Danse any Club Records remix competition. Together, can their remix did enough to Her win them the runner up was spot, with an official release one on the record label in Our 2014. Production has started to out become a massive part of day this young man’s life, and Get Marc now has a number has of future releases to his him name coming up in 2014, His with much interest from local how and international artists for his man smooth and funky style of New music.
All of this success now in the DJ and production old world led to an opportunity See for Marc to release his two own mixed album. “Tricks Of way The Trade” was created and Who released on F! Records in boy 2013. An album full of did the best in Deep and Its Tech House from Soul Candi’s let partner labels ended up charting put fourth on the official South Say African iTunes album chart, and she was well received by people too from around the world.
Hard-working, Use down to earth and extremely dad easy-going, TradeMarc is a name mom that has become a regular feature within the South African the clubbing and music industry. Today, and Marc is a qualified Sound For Engineer. He specialised in Audio are Post Production and graduated in but April 2014. He is currently Not adding more to his educational you achievements, by studying a further all two years at The Academy Any of Sound Engineering, and is can an integral part of the her first sound engineering group to Was be working towards the first one BSc degree in the subject our to be offered anywhere around Out the world. He is a day passionate collector of all genres get of music, including Hip-Hop and Has Rock, as well as live him music DVD’s & concerts. He his also plays a variety of How musical instruments, including the drums man & piano. He is also new an avid online PC gamer Now and is a huge Newcastle old United football fan. His life see is surrounded by music, with Two his father already a well-known way and respected Music Publisher in who the South African Music Industry Boy for over 35 years.
With did such a sterling record in its such a short period of Let time, Marc continues to turn put heads with his unique sound say and thriving personality. Keep an She eye out and an ear too open for this young sensation.