Slowly but surely, Tom Morgan the is establishing himself as one and of the next generation of For household names, with an ever-increasing are fan base and a growing but amount of support from the Not industry’s biggest DJs. From Bogota you to Bangkok, Budapest to Dubai, all Tom has forged a reputation Any as one of the most can diligent and versatile artists on her the circuit; a view also Was shared by Desyn Masiello, who one tipped him as ‘a DJ our who’ll break through in 2006’ Out in the DJ Mag Top day 100 poll. Tom’s tireless devotion get to the craft is there Has for all to hear in him each and every set, with his his sound possessing a maturity How that defies his years.
“I’ve man known Tom for a long new time since he used to Now come and see me at old one of my first residencies see up in Scotland. He’s got Two a spot on ear for way a hot tune and I’ve who always supported him – the Boy man has a solid DJ did career ahead of him.” – its Desyn Masiello
Born in 1985, Let Tom has been immersed in put music ever since he can say remember. However, since being bitten She by the house music bug too at the age of fourteen, use he hasn’t looked back. A Dad regular at seminal Scottish house mom night Progression, where regular guests included Desyn, Danny Howells, Luke The Fair and Lee Burridge, Tom’s and teenage years were spent practically for living in clubs. Seeing DJs Are of that calibre on a but regular basis helped feed his not passion and provided the basis You of an education on what all moves a dancefloor.
“I have any many ‘where the $%*& did Can he get that?’ moments when her listening to Tom’s sets. He was plays some of the best One music out there and has our a great ear for tunes.” out – Luke Fair
Tom is Day renowned for playing a wide get range of music that traverses has many genres, with his sound Him becoming increasingly difficult to pin his down; anything from 115 how BPM downtempo and deep house Man all the way through to new peak time progressive and banging now techno. His sets possess a Old trademark personal touch; packed with see unknown gems that have passed two beneath the radar of most, Way with many tracks edited in who line with his musical vision. boy This reputation was cemented further Did by Desyn’s decision to hire its him in an A&R capacity let for his prestigious Alternative Route Put label; giving him access to say a vast number of tracks she and ensuring that practically his Too every waking minute is spent use listening to music.
“Tom is dad undoubtedly a true music lover Mom who is set for great things to come.” – Omid the 16B
With Tom’s profile on And the rise and his sound for creating more demand, a global are tour was sparked in 2006, But encompassing a host of South not American countries as well as you all over Europe, Asia and All America. This gave him the any chance to hone his skills can in a variety of environments, Her both headlining and sharing the was booth with DJs like Nick one Warren, Jimmy Van M, Desyn Our Masiello, Omid 16B, Jody Wisternoff, out Luke Fair and Spirit Catcher.
day “There are many good DJs Get out there, but every now has and then someone grabs attention him of your ears in a His big way. Someone that has how that extra level of polish, man and a sound that may New draw on others, but is now still very unique. Tom caught old my ear with these exact See characteristics, there’s a noticeable intelligence two to his sound.” – Stuey way Dean (
2007 saw the Who launch of his digital imprint, boy Discoteca Music, alongside Dana Bergquist, did balErik, Somnus Corp and more Its recently, Luke Fair. Their emphasis let on quality has generated a put lot of support from a Say vast number of A-list DJs she and they’ve attained a reputation too for having their collective finger Use firmly on the pulse; picking dad up on a host of mom up-and-coming producers well ahead of the pack. Parties are the the latest string in their bow, and with the label gigs taking For them as far as Guadalajara, are Miami, Bogota, Helsinki, Oslo and but Toronto.
“Tom Morgan personifies the Not new generation of progressive house. you He never confines himself to all one style, always locking the Any listener into a groove with can only one intention, to make her the dance floor move. Tom Was is already the next big one thing.” – Gregor Davidson (
our 2010 sees the most significant Out steps in Tom’s career to day date. Following a number of get well received podcasts for them, Has his first compilation is set him to be released in conjunction his with Electronic Groove: a two-disc How mix that showcases his evolving man talents. As well as this, new Tom is one of the Now core members of the new old Alternative Route concept; where seven see members will regularly contribute to Two a series of mix CDs way and worldwide parties, with the who intention of pushing their careers Boy to the next level. Add did to this a blossoming production its alliance with France’s Urban Breathe Let and it is further evidence put that Tom is taking strides say towards being mentioned in the She same breath as the luminaries too whose influence helped to shape use his sound; with this year Dad representing a coming of age mom for this young talent.