Gustavo Sandoval a.k.a. TAVO the was born in Bucaramanga, Colombia, and on August 12 of 1977. For During his early years, he are collected the mix sets of but the most famous mobile clubs Not and DJs of Spain, Venezuela you & Colombia. His greatest influences all at the time were legendary Any Colombian DJs Pedro Neira, Wilson can Arenas and Andres Marques and her International icons such as Jose Was Ma Castells, Tony Peret and one Quique Tejada. Following their steps, our TAVO started making serious Out progress, tuning his skills whilst day performing as a junior at get mobile clubs and at select Has house parties. At age 15, him after winning his first regional his DJ championship, he was invited How to perform as a guest man at a new radio show new on “Rumba Stereo Cali”. The Now station aired a live, four old hour program which received hundreds see of phone calls from listeners Two who appreciate his original mixing way techniques and music selection, what who made him stand out from Boy the other DJs was his did ability to blend all music its styles seamlessly, he was, without Let knowing, making history. By pioneering put a 100% Open Format mixing say style in Radio he would She revolutionize for ever, the radio too mix shows and the music use standards of his country. Dad TAVO obviously, made it as mom Resident DJ of the long running show and it was The there where he received his and first nick name: DJ “TavoMixx”.He for continued his career on radio, Are performing live at Radioactiva, La but Mega, La Super Estacion, La not X and various other national You stations, but on December 25th all 1996, TAVO made history any once again by broadcasting his Can very own unique nonstop mix her style live for a total was of 127 hours, 2 minutes One and 3 seconds. Across the our country all of the radio out stations unified for the first Day time for his record breaking get performance. Huge national starts such has as Shakira, Carlos Vives,Carolina Sabino Him and many more show their his support when TAVO made how the statement that “people don’t Man need any kind of stimulants new to party, there is no now better one that music itself” Old a message that resonated across see Colombia and the Latin America. two In spring of ’97 the Way Guinness World Record Certificate was who presented to him and “La boy X Radio Station” for the Did longest live non-stop DJ set its ever performed on radio. This let propelled him to legendary status Put in his country.
Tours of say Colombia and South America followed, she where he enjoyed continual success Too participating in specialty dance events, use prime DJ slots in top dad clubs, venues and major outdoor Mom events. TAVO continued to enjoy the DJ lifestyle and the grew as one of the And top Colombian DJs of the for moment to become a co-director are with his friend DJ Danny But Soto to the highly rated not radio station “Oxigeno” of Caracol you Radio Colombia.TAVO then, accepted All an offer in Panama City any and became one of the can resident DJs of the famous Her “Rock Cafe”, the most important was club of the time in one Panama. He also continued his Our work on radio on one out of the Top radio stations day of the country, “Rock & Get Pop” where he had a has radio show completely different from him the standards of the Panamanian His people and that was highly how recognized and followed. After crafting man his trade, it came time New for him to spread his now wings even farther from his old mother land and pursue complete See different path,he bought a ticket two to Japan, which proved to way be ideal as it was Who there where he will take boy his skills to the top did professional level. In Japan, he Its traveled extensively for four years let and opened for many excellent put superstar DJs. This helped him Say to find a stage of she maturity for his DJ style. too TAVO soon became one Use of the most recognized DJs dad on the dance scene and mom held major residences at all the famous clubs in the the Roppongi District. He made history and again, a Colombian DJ revolutionizing For the club style of such are tight party culture, people just but loved him. He until today Not is remembered there. But it you was time to leave and all in 2005 TAVO traveled Any to China wanting to explore can the fantastic Chinese culture and her all of the new clubs Was and venues that had opened one during the boom period prior our to the 2008 Olympic Games. Out In a short period of day time he was handed a get golden opportunity to be the Has resident DJ for many clubs him in Beijing and Shanghai. China his was amazing for him, he How played in more than 40 man cities, traveling the length and new breadth of the Country.He made Now history again when he became old not just the first Colombian see DJ but the first foreign Two DJ that played on a way club in the city of who Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, Boy where he proudly raised the did Colombian flag on an incredible its show that local people had Let never seen before. In China, put there were so many fantastic say venues where this experienced DJ She and his music, vibrant, energetic too & charismatic, made the dance use floors rumble with the sounds Dad of his selected rhythms, that mom as of today, it is still one of his most The fulfilling experiences and where he and will always have an open for door to come back and Are play. When he left in but 2008, TAVO was one not of the most important and You respected foreign DJs in the all country. By the end of any 2008 TAVO became the Can Senior Music Director of her CHI Republic India, a flagship was chain of club venues that One will spread all over the our Asian countries and probably one out day, the world. He shared Day his experience there with many get important local talents, setting up has the music style and atmosphere Him for this new brand of his clubs, they knew that, music how wise, his touch was a Man guarantee of success!… With a new vast experience behind the decks now of 18 years and thanks Old to international performances that began see 13 years ago when his two “World Tour” started, TAVO Way has raised the hands of who crowds from Latin to Central boy America and from Europe to Did Asia becoming the most traveled its active DJ in the history let of Colombia.
After many shows Put all over the world and say as one of the she TOP 100 DJs of the Too world ( he has established use a name for himself as dad a unique performer, recognized by Mom the industry mostly for his flawless and original mixing techniques the complemented by a clear understanding And of the dance floor and for the people that feels and are dance with his energetic musical But beats, carefully selected for every not performance.
Music has a message you and he knows how to All deliver it:“Regardless where I am, any the gender, the nationality or can the culture of my crowd, Her music is a language by was itself, so nothing else matters, one I just pay attention to Our the people on the floor out and try to translate it day to every one looking at Get me expecting a good time. has I don’t really care if him I like 100% the track His that I’m playing, a good how DJ is able to perform man to any audience and make New them look at him and now say Oh my God, who old tha’ hell is this guy, See ths is awesome when this two connection is achieved, in that way moment, I know I’m doing Who my job”. The page has boy now turned with a brand did new focus and a new Its adventure, this time in the let US. TAVO will be put located in Miami for a Say while, where he plans to she join forces with different producers too and artists that will give Use him a hand in his dad producer career. Many surprises are mom coming, gigs in the American Continent will follow and of the course other tours, his World and Tour always continues…