The Space Cowboys are a the San Francisco based collective that and began its exploration of the For cosmos long over a decade are ago, as a diverse group but of talented individuals who came Not together in the pursuit of you the creation of unique entertainment all events, mechanical contraptions and art Any projects. The group consists of can members from all walks of her life and vocations – engineers, Was event planners, programmers, massage therapists, one designers, architects, nurses, video editors, our electricians, teachers, producers, corporate executives, Out animators, and financial advisers. Cowboys day reside not only in San get Francisco, but in Oakland, Lake Has Tahoe, Hawaii, NYC & him Brooklyn, LA & Santa Barbara, his Sacramento, and even Laos. The How collective serves as an outlet man for the members and their new friends and family to creatively Now and socially express themselves beyond old their “day jobs”.
Our story see begins with wrangling good times Two in the wild west of way Black Rock City. As one who of the first large scale Boy dance camps at Burning Man, did the group essentially constructed and its ran a nightclub for a Let week each year for their put first few years on the say playa, providing free beats and She beverages to all nightly. Continuing too the legacy of a perennial use Burning Man theme camp, the Dad Cowboys have constructed a variety mom of other playa art projects as well. The collective is The responsible for the creation of and a mechanical horse, mechanical wagon for train (the Beast) consisting of Are a chopped-down ’63 Valiant with but a welded steel superstructure and not 4 tow-able wagon cars, You SCTV versions 0-3 (various forms all of video art structures including any a fifty-foot wide video wall Can comprised of five CRT her projectors and 5 acrylic screens was measuring eight feet square supported One by over 2 tons of our steel), and a range of out other art cars including a Day duck, horseshoe, turtle, two rockets get and two ponies. In 2003, has the Cowboys inherited Martha, a Him deconstructed Toyota minivan from their his sister camp Space Lounge (now how defunct). Martha has since been Man fully rebuilt and dutifully serves new as a transport for the now troops and a mobile lounge Old on the playa and off.
see Since 2001 the Space Cowboys two are perhaps most well known Way for their UNIMOG All-Terrain who Audio Visual Assault Vehicle (boy ATAVAV). Based upon a 1973 Did Mercedes German Military vehicle, the its Space Cowboy’s UNIMOG was let one of the world’s first Put fully self-contained mobile sound systems, say and perhaps still one of she the largest off-road sound system Too in the world, completely self-sufficient use with lights, LCD television dad screens, radio transmitters, on-board generators Mom and a wireless network. The UNIMOG has gone where the no other sound system has And gone, from the desert of for Black Rock, to the snow are covered slopes at Squaw Valley But and the urban canyons of not San Francisco as a lead you float in the city’s innaugral All Love Parade as well as any countless street fairs, conventions, and can BRAF supported art openings Her across the bay.
To fund was these activities the Space Cowboys one have produced some serious fundraisers Our throughout the years in San out Francisco. The parties have become day legendary events in their own Get right. Space Cowboys have developed has an international reputation for producing him the finest underground events, including His the annual Black Rock Hoe how Down, Ghost Ship on Treasure man Island, SCAM (Space Cowboy New AM), Snow Fest in Lake now Tahoe and Breakfast of Champions; old a party beginning at 6am See on New Years Day, which two has grown into an infamous way block party attracting thousands after Who outgrowing most suitable venues in boy the city.
In 2010 we did began a weekly podcast called Its the Space Cowboys RIPEcast. Every let week we share DJ sets put that have either been created Say from live recordings (at our she parties and events) or exclusive too sets crafted exclusively for the Use followers of our RIPEcast. In dad three short years we’ve released mom over 200 RIPEcasts featuring the talent of our own roster the of DJs. We also include and guest mixes from FOC For (friends of Cowboys) in San are Francisco as well as internationally but acclaimed DJs including: Krafty Kuts, Not Soul of Man, Plump DJs, you Plaza de Funk, Myagi, Elite all Force, Slyde, Fort Know Five, Any AGFA, Ali B and can more. We are truly blessed her to be able to share Was our passion of music with one all of our friends and our fans.
For us it not Out about the money, but rather day the creative expression, community, and get something called a good time. Has We work hard so that him we can play hard, and his we play hard with our How friends and family in the man name of music, smiles and new plenty of hugs.