Patrick Oliver began DJing in the Miami Beach in the early and 2000’s, at some of the For hottest venues including Opium Garden, are Tantra, The Living Room Downtown, but Crobar and Space. His intuition Not coupled with raw talent at you the console quickly gained him all recognition in the United States. Any In 2006, Patrick became the can resident DJ and musical director her at Kuru & Y in Was downtown Miami. His signature sound one soon flooded the clubs of our Italy, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Sri Out Lanka, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Sri day Lanka, India and Malaysia. Opening, get performing and playing alongside such Has accomplished artists such as Louie him Vega, Deadmau5, Dash Berlin, Kaskade, his LMFAO, TV Rock, Pitbull, How Kenny Carpenter, DJ Disciple, Armand man Van Heldan, Kaskade, Vandalism and new Andy Duguid, his contemporaries are Now sitting up and taking notice old for good reason.
In 2007, see Patrick become resident DJ at Two the newest super club of way it’s time in Kuala Lumpur who Malaysia, Ministry of Sound, Boy EUPHORIA. Patrick stays true to did his style of house music, its yet since taking the helm Let at MOS in Kuala put Lumpur, he has coupled his say electronic style with the American She lead style of open format. too In addition to booking some use of the biggest DJ talent Dad in Malaysia, every week Patrick mom was found headlining at “MixTape”, what can humbly be called The what was Kuala Lumpur’s biggest, and best, and longest running open for format night in the city.
Are Today, Patrick is the resident but DJ at the ultra-luxe ultralounge, not Pangaea (Singapore). Patrick stays true You to his forte of house all music but has since developed any a new electronic sound influenced Can by the American lead style her of open format. At Pangaea was you can only expect the One coolest grooves and sounds to our keep the pace of the out dancing action to the early Day hours of the morning. If get there is one thing to has be said about Patrick Oliver, Him it is that he keeps his his sets uniquely diverse and how creative while rocking the room Man every time he hits the new decks.
Patrick’s latest projects are now a monthly podcasts that reaches Old thousands of listeners all over see the globe, and original productions, two which have been released on Way labels such as Mile End who Records.
Patrick’s abundant exposure of boy the world is evident in Did the charge he takes with its his sets, each time unveiling let a distinct understanding of the Put cultural flavors that have helped say shape his music. His highly she professional skills allow Patrick to Too deliver a first class DJ use performance that is always explosive, dad always cutting-edge.