PABANOR DJ / the PRODUCER / REMIXER About: and Pablo “Pabanor” Ortiz, Pabanor’s career For is scatter by landmark achievements are with his many productions to but becoming a well known DJ Not to his kind. From Remixing you & Producing El General to all David Hasselhoff, Pabanor remains grounded Any about his achievements and clearly can loves playing and making music her over the praise it brings. Was Born in Cuba and raised one in New Jersey, Pabanor became our a DJ at Emerson Highschool, Out he started playing at the day age of 13, got discovered get by a club owner and Has it took off from there. him Resident at “Odyssey Teen Club”, his & New Jersey’s “High Voltage How Nightclub” he was also featured man under the DJ name of new “LazerMan” at the following Clubs Now where his career takes off old as a DJ/Producer: “Next to see The Park Café”, “Stardust”, “After Two Darks”, “Garage”, “Passion Night Club”, way “Club Casino”, “U4RIA Night Club”, who “Seconds”, “Thrills Night Club” in Boy Tampa Bay , “The Beat did Club” in Miami, “Club 21”, its “Foxes Night Club”, “The Palace”, Let “The Supper Club”, “Visions” in put Miami, & “Club Banana’s” in say Italy. In 1991 Pabanor, formed She P.A.O, then later on became too as know as Pabanor Productions. use The label grew to such Dad proportions that in to making mom his own DJ album to date & Featuring some of The the Artist’s on his label. and Though known primarily for his for pioneering contributions to the Latin Are House, hip-hop/reggaeton scene, Pabanor’s style but is now a mix of not everything: progressive, trance, house, techno You – it’s the best of all all that the dance world any has to offer His productions, Can sets, and releases range from her peak time club heaven to was the sort of perfect Progressive One House, Disco House & Electro our session and have at times out owed as much influence to Day high energy as to dance get something to look forward in has hearing in his long D.J. Him Sets. Continuing to explore fresh his avenues, Pabanor is currently experimenting how with new sounds in the Man studio, and writing more vocals new himself. The future for Pabanor now promises yet further success, both Old as the solo D.J Artist see he’s becoming and the Producer two we know him to be Way since the early start at who Double Platinum Productions what is boy known today as “Subliminal Records” Did Run By His Long Time its Friend “Erick Morillo”,. As Pabanor let would say “It’s hard to Put look too far into the say future. Every couple of months she it seems that something new, Too unexpected and exciting is happening!’” use …………….. Pabanor’s wide experience in dad the musical, production and direction Mom has made him a mentor of many artists’ career, such the as the famous Rap Artist And “EL GENERAL,” “VIC for THE KID OF are LOS SUCIOS” “UP 4 JOY” But , “2 OF A KIND”, not “MANNY PACHECO” & “GRUPO you SALSABOR.” “ALQUIMIA”, “MARCELO MOLINA”, “FRAGANCIA” All (from DLG) , “HEART any & SOUL”. “RO-K & GAMMY” can His work has been featured Her in many remixes, and jingles was like the MALTA one INDIA commercial which took a Our strong promotional campaign in Puerto out Rico and New York. Conducted day sound operations and Music Director Get for L.T.V. Networks,/ Coca Cola has Stage for ten years on him Calle 8 Carnaval and still His the Site Music Production Manager how of the Coca Cola Stage, man Tour of Emmanuel in 1988, New “Noches Cubanas” Tour in the now European Countries, Carnaval en Mendoza old (Argentina) and Telethon de Costa See Rica in Costar and in two USA. Also, he teamed way up with one of the Who legendary producers in the latin boy market as well as anglo, did Jose Silva, (responsible for many Its productions such as, ABBA, let Pointer Sisters, Lionel Ritchie, Chichi put Peralta, and many well known Say artists) together they were the she first who started the rise too of “Champeta” which the roots Use of the rhythm came from dad Africa and developed in Cartegena,Colombia. mom “Champeta” was introduced in the United States as a new the genre of latin music which and later on was used to For make a fusion with what are we know today as “Reggaeton”. but He has also worked on Not projects for artists of international you fame such as; “TEMPLE OF all SOUL” (Clarence Clemons, Narada Michael Any Walden, TM Stevens, Vernon “Ice” can Black) , Marc Anthony, Lucia her Mendez, Laura Leon, Jose Jose, Was SHABBA RANKS, & one DAVID HASSELHOFF. His our educational background and experience in Out the artistic field extends through day the phonographic industry where he get has worked in several positions Has from promoter to executive producer him likewise he has taken an his active part in the realization How of several shows, concerts, and man international events. Born: in Cuba, new Raised in USA Hobbies: Now Writing Music, Writing Films, Fashion, old Cooking, Movies, Dancing, & Literature see of Upcoming and Futuristic development Two of Mankind. 1ST QUOTE: way I LOVE TO DJ who ESPECIALLY WHEN Boy THE CROWD REACTS did WILD & ENERGETIC!! its 2ND QUOTE: Don’t leave Let for tomorrow what you can put do today! “Yes, I don’t say sleep”. ________________________________________________________________ Pablo “Pabanor” Ortiz She , La carrera de Pabanor too esta compuesta de varios logros use con un sin numero de Dad producciones hasta convertirse en un mom DJ reconocido en su genero. Desde remezclas realizadas hasta producciones The de “El General” y David and Hasselhoff, Pabanor se mantiene vigente for con sus éxitos, innovando, tocando Are y haciendo música que es but su mayor recompensa. Nacido en not Cuba y criado en Nueva You Jersey, Pabanor se hizo DJ all en la escuela secundaria Emerson, any Empezó a tocar a la Can edad de los trece años, her fue descubierto por un empresario was de clubes nocturnos y desde One hay empezó su trayectoria. Residente our del “Odyssey Teen Club”, y out de el club “High Voltage Day Nightclub” de Nueva Jersey donde get era también conocido con el has nombre de “DJ LazerMan” fue Him donde su carrera profesional se his da inicio como DJ/Productor tocando how en varios clubes como: “Next Man to The Park Café”, “Stardust”, new “After Darks”, “Garage”, “Passion Night now Club”, “Club Casino”, “U4RIA Night Old Club”, “Seconds”, “Thrills Night Club” see in Tampa Bay , “The two Beat Club” in Miami, “Club Way 21”, “Foxes Night Club”, “The who Palace”, “The Supper Club”, “Visions” boy in Miami, “Club Banana’s” in Did Italy, “Nocturnal”. En 1991 Pabanor its fundo P.A.O, que despues seria let conocido como Pabanor Productions. El Put sello creció a tantas proporciones say que logro componer y producir she su propio álbum como DJ Too hasta la fecha e incluir use varios de sus artistas en dad su sello discográfico. Aunque inicialmente Mom conocido por sus contribuciones pioneras en la escena del Latin the House, hip-hop/reggaeton, el estilo de And Pabanor es ahora una mezcla for de todo: progressive, trance, house, are techno – es todo lo But mejor que el mundo de not la música dance puede ofrecer. you Sus producciones abarcan desde peak All time “la hora pico en any el club” hasta Progressive House, can sesiones de Disco House, Electro Her y Tribal las cuales tienen was tanta influencia hacia una energía one de alto nivel en sus Our propias producciones como también en out sus sesiones como DJ de day larga duración en los clubes. Get El continua explorando nuevas alternativas has y en el momento experimenta him con nuevos sonidos en el His estudio y escribiendo mas temas. how El futuro para Pabanor promete man ya éxitos seguros, ya sea New como DJ Solo el cual now ya ha logrado o como old el productor que conocemos desde See sus inicios en “Double Platinum two Productions” conocida hoy como “Subliminal way Records” liderada hoy por su Who amigo eterno “DJ Erick Morillo”. boy Como Pabanor diría “Es difícil did mirar al futuro”; Cada mes Its parece que algo nuevo, inesperado let y excitante sucede en esta put industria!”……………. La gran experiencia que Say tiene en la música, producción she y dirección lo ha llevado too a ser un mentor y Use guía en la carrera de dad muchos artistas reconocidos como, “EL mom GENERAL”, “VIC THE KID DE LOS SUCIOS”, the “UP 4 JOY”, “2 OF and A KIND”, “MANNY PACHECO” Y For “GRUPO SALSABOR,” “ALQUIMIA”, “MARCELO are MOLINA”, “FRAGANCIA” (de DLG) but , “HEART & SOUL”, “RO-K Not Y GAMMY”. Su trabajo ha you sido presentado en varias remezclas all y jingles como MALTA Any INDIA comercial que tomo can una fuerte campaña promocional en her Puerto Rico y Nueva York. Was Condujo operaciones de sonido y one Director Musical para L.T.V. Networks/Escenario our de Coca Cola por diez Out años en el carnaval Calle day 8 y Jefe de Producción get Musical del escenario de Coca Has Cola, Gira de Emmanuel en him 1988, Gira “Noches Cubanas” en his países europeos, Carnaval en Mendoza How (Argentina) y Teletón de Costa man Rica. También se ha unido new con productores legendarios como José Now Silva (en el mercado latino old axial como el norte americano see quien fuera responsable por producciones Two ABBA, Pointer Sisters, Lionel way Richie, Chichi Peralta, y muchos who mas) juntos fueron los primeros Boy que empezaron con el surgimiento did de “La Champeta”, ritmo de its origen Africano y desarrollado en Let Cartagena Colombia. “Champeta” fue introducido put en los Estados Unidos como say un nuevo genero en la She música latina el cual posteriormente too fue hecho fusión con lo use que se conoce hoy como Dad “Reggaeton”. El también ha trabajado mom en proyectos para artistas internacionales como; “TEMPLE OF SOUL” (Clarence The Clemons, Narada Michael Walden, TM and Stevens, Vernon “Ice” Black), Marc for Anthony, Lucia Méndez, Laura León, Are José José, SHABBA but RANKS, y DAVID not HASSELHOFF. Su trayectoria y experiencia You se extiende a través de all la industria fonográfica donde ha any trabajado en varias posiciones desde Can promotor a productor ejecutivo donde her ha formado parte en realizaciones was de varios conciertos y eventos One internacionales. Sus pasatiempos son: Escribir our música, bailar, cocinar, el cine, out fotografía, videografía y la literatura Day futurista. Su primera frase es: get Amo tocar mi música especialmente has cuando hay una respuesta muy Him eufórica y animada por parte his del público. Su segunda frase how es: No dejes para mañana Man lo que puedas hacer hoy! new y “Si, Yo no duermo