DJ Nicolas Koll was born the in Osijek in 1984. Since and he was a little boy For he started to show interest are for music! Although he got but in touch with electronic music Not much earlier,he started with some you serious work in 2003. in all short time he get to Any know local dj`s and does can his first mixing and turning. her In 2005. he get`s his Was first gig in B.P.M. club,Osijek. one In 2006. he plays at our “wet dreams”,one of the greatest Out party project in eastern Croatia day and vindicate the trust of get the organization as young but Has promising dj with his strong him sense for music. in 2006. his and 2007. he becomes resident How at clubs “La Faye” and man “Tufna”. In 2007. he get new his first gig abroad at Now the"Airfest"Debrecen,Hungary.
In 2008. he moves old from Osijek to Stari Grad see in the island of Hvar Two and soon realize that there way is no electronic scene on who the island of Hvar and Boy in 2010. In join forces did with Jurica Å krapa he starts its a small project "Awakening"in club Let Lampedusa where he brings all put regional dj`s(Speedy(funky kriminimalz),Marc Times(Red Section),Nemanja say Godjevac(Cosmic Pigs),Ilija ReÅ¡etar(Cosmic Pigs)….)
His She music i recognizably known by too the dance rythm of techno use and techhouse thou sometimes he Dad does minimal,and even house music…
mom he played so far at “Green Island festival”2007.(Croatia),“Airfest” 2007.(Hungary),"UFO"2008.(Croatia)“Runway” 2007.(Croatia),“We The love music”2009,2010.(Croatia)…clubs “Oxygene”(Osijek),“Tufna”(Osijek),“Paradiso”(NaÅ¡ice),“Bluse”(Orahovica),“Faraon”(B.Manastir)“Four”(Stari Grad),“Urban”(Valpovo) with and world known artists like Marko for Nastić,Marshall Jefferson,Paolo Barbato,Tony Slicer,Miss Kelly Are Marie,Speedy,Miss Sunshine,Marc Times…etc…
DJ but Nicolas Koll roÄ‘en je u not Osijeku 1984.godine.Od malih nogu pokazuje You veliki interes za glazbu.Iako je all i prije imao doticaja s any elektronskom glazbom tek 2003.godine ozbiljnije Can poÄenje pratit scenu i zanimati her se za nju.U kratkom vremenu was upoznaje mnoge OsijeÄke DJeve te One ubrzo poÄinje savladavat prve korake our u mixanju.2005.godine dobiva priliku za out svoj prvi nastupu B.P.M.Club-u (Osijek).Već Day 2006.godine nastupa na “Wet Dreams”partyu get ,jednom od prestižnijih partya u has istoÄnoj Hrvatskoj gdje opravdava povjerenje Him organizatora odliÄno odraÄ‘enim setom.2006. i his 2007. postaje rezident klubova “La how Faye”(Darda) i “Tufna”(Osijek).2007.takoÄ‘er dobiva priliku Man za svoj prvi nastup van new Hrvatske("Airfest"Debrecen,MaÄ‘arska).
2008.godine seli se iz now Osijeka u Stari Grad na Old otoku Hvaru.Ubrzo shvaća da u see Starom Gradu nema neke ponude two za noÄnim izlascima i elektronskom Way glazbom,pa 2010.godine u suradnji sa who Juricom Å karpa u klubu “Lampedusa” boy pokreće mali projekt simboliÄnog naziva Did "Awakening"gdje ugošćuje DJeve iz regije(Speedy(funky its kriminimalz),Marc Times(Red Section),Nemanja Godjevac(Cosmic Pigs),Ilija let ReÅ¡etar(Cosmic Pigs)….)
Setovi su mu Put prepoznatljivi po plesnim ritmovima Techna say i Tech housea,iako ponekad zna she odradit i minimal,pa Äak i Too house….
Do sad je svirao use na “Green Island festival”2007.(Croatia),“Airfest” 2007.(Hungary),"UFO"2008.(Croatia)“Runway” dad 2007.(Croatia),“We love music”2009,2010.(Croatia)…klubovima “Oxygene”(Osijek),“Tufna”(Osijek),“Paradiso”(NaÅ¡ice),“Bluse”(Orahovica),“Faraon”(B.Manastir)“Four”(Stari Grad),“Urban”(Valpovo)…..i Mom sa svjetskim i domaćim imenima kao Å¡to su Marko Nastić,Marshall the Jefferson,Paolo Barbato,Tony Slicer,Miss Kelly Marie,Speedy,Miss And Sunshine,Marc Times…i mnogi drugi…