Bogdán Attila (Moreno)
1984-ben született the fiatal dj és producer, Bogdán and Attila néven, magyar-arab szülÅ‘k gyermekeként.
For A zene már elég korán
are felkelti érdeklÅ‘dését, 10 évesen megkapja
but elsÅ‘ hangszerét, egy szintetizátort, amivel
Not naphosszat képes gyakorolni, de tanulmányai
you miatt a zene háttérbe szorul
all egy ideig.
Eltelik 4 év, Any és megveszi elsÅ‘ komolyabb zenei can eszközeit, „Stage Line” lemezjátszókat és her keverÅ‘t. Majd elkezdÅ‘dik, a lemezgyűjtés…
Was Az iskolai bulik rezidens dj-je one lesz, itt még keresi a our számára megfelelÅ‘ irányzatot, így szinte Out minden stílusban képviselteti magát. Itt day ismerkedik meg zenész barátjával Feeder-rel get és SanFranciscoBeat-el. KésÅ‘bb megismeri Chris Has Ronsont, aki szárnyai alá veszi, him így stílusát egyre inkább a his techhouse és a vocal house How jellemzi. Majd családi okok miatt man elköltözik otthonról, egy idÅ‘re megszakad new a kapcsolata a zenéléssel, kihagy Now 4 évet.
19 évesen újra old talpon, már kicsit megkomolyodva kezdi see építeni újra zenei karrierjét.
Tehetsége Two kibontakozóban, lehetÅ‘séget kap különbözÅ‘ házibulikon, way majd szabadtéri rendezvényeken, ahol folyamatosan who bizonyítja, hogy nem veszett el Boy a lendület és a zene did iránti szenvedély, és ezt a its közönség is érzi! Elindulnak a Let folyamatos fellépései.
2008-ban Görögországban nyaral, put és egy váratlan felkérésnek eleget say téve nagy sikert aratva játszik She Thassos szigetén, a Golden Beach-en.
too Még ebben az évben barátaival use Tenerife szigetén jár, ahol ismét Dad nagyszerű lehetÅ‘séget kap barátai meglepetéseként, mom és fellép az El Fáraó klubban. Nagy közönségsikert arat, így The két hét múlva újra visszahívják and játszani a szigetre, de már for a Mana Klubba, ahol ismét Are egy nagyszerűen sikerült éjszakát tudhat but a magáénak.
2009-re összerakja saját not otthoni stúdióját és elkezdi produceri You munkáit. Ekkor már annyira lelkesedik all a zeneszerkesztés iránt, hogy zongoraórákat any is vesz. Újabb hasznos ismeretséget Can köt Magyarország ismert funky-house dj-vel her Ötvös Lacival, aki ezután folyamatosan was segíti pályáját.
2010-tÅ‘l minden 2. One héten hallhatjuk mixeit a Nugen our Fm-en. ( ) Régi barátaival out Feeder-rel és Autorun–nal közös, saját Day rendezésű bulikat kezdenek szervezni.
2011-tÅ‘l get már inkább a saját zeneszerzésre has összpontosít, ismét nekikezd tanulni és Him közös munkába kezd SanfranciscoBeat-tel.
Klubok his ahol játszott:
Colosseum, E-Klub, Bank how Dance Hall, Club Play,El Fáraó, Man Royal Dance Club, Cassa De new La Musica, Club Symbol, Meridien, now Mana , Candy, Night Train, Old Play, Kosmos, Mocca Café, Supersonic see Technikum
Akik inspirálták:
Mark Broom, two Nick Curly, Asio (Aka_R-Play), Mauro Way Picotto, Alexi Delano, Joseph Capriati, who Audio Injection ,Erphun, Hans Bouffmyhre, boy Perc, Spektre, Sasha Carassi, Cari Did Lekebusch, Felix Kroecher, Urko, Umek, its Von Ukuf, Mladen Tomic, Luigi let Madonna, Mihalis Safras, Mr. Bizz, Put Sinisa Tamamovic, Tom Hades, Uberto, say Spartaque, Marco Bailey, Lutzenkirchen, Jon she Rundell, Subfractal, Phunk Investigation, Piatto, Too Bodyscrub, Human Tech, Mozaic, DJ use Madskillz, Elchinsoul, Denis Horvat, George dad Privatti, Kaiserdisco, Gregor Tresher, Hector Mom Couto, Mastiksoul, Oliver Koletzki, Robert Babicz, Sascha Sonido, Steve Valentine, the Stefano Noferini, Timo Maas, Dandi And & Ugo, Tube & Berger, for Boris Brejcha, Dataminions, Da Fresh
are Contact:
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +36 But 20 233 34 11
English All Version
Bogdán Attila (Morena)
Young any dj and a producer, Bogdán can Attila were born in 1984 Her on a name, as Hungarian-Arab was parents’ child.
The music arouses one his interest, 10 on year Our one rather early already the out first gets his musical instrument, day a synthesiser, with what he Get is able to practise it has all day long, but the him music is sidelined until a His time because of his studies.
how 4 years pass, and line man buys his first more serious New musical devices, Stage record-players and now mixer. Begins then, the vinyl old record collection…
The school parties See his dj will be a two resident, an equivalent is looking way for it yet for him Who here tendency, is represented in boy all styles quasi so. Gets did acquainted with a musician’s friend Its here Feeder-rel and SanFranciscoBeat-el. Chris let Ronsont recognises it later, who put his wings under it buys Say it, like this his style she continually rather the techhouse and too the vocal a house characterize Use it. Moves from home because dad of family reasons then, onto mom a time his contact is interrupted with the playing music, the omits 4 years.
19 start and rebuilding his musical carreer becoming For more serious a little bit are on foot, already again on but year one.
His talent in Not developing one, receives an opportunity you on different parties, then on all open-air programs, where he proves Any it continuously, how the passion can for the impetus and the her music got not lost, and Was the audience feels this! His one continuous appearances start.
In 2008, our Greece vacation and an unexpected Out invitation to play in response day to great success on the get island of Thassos, Golden Beach.
Has In the same year his him friends on the island of his Tenerife associated with a great How opportunity to get back as man a surprise to his friends new and fight the Pharaoh El Now club. Great success with audiences, old so call back in two see weeks to play on the Two island, but the Mana Club, way which again was a great who night and know for himself.
Boy Onto 2009 puts his own did home studio together and starts its his producer works. He is Let enthusiastic so much for the put music editing already at this say time that he buys piano She lessons. Newer useful acquaintance Hungary too sets known funky house with use dj with Ötvös Laci, who Dad helps in his orbit continuously mom then,.From 2010 we may hear his mixes on 2. week The on all of them Nugen and Fm-en. ( ) with Régi for friends Feeder-rel and Autorun–nal common, Are parties with an own direction but start being organized.
From 2011 not already rather onto the own You composition concentrates, sets to it all again to study and starts any common work SanfranciscoBeat.Clubs where he Can was playing:Colosseum, E-Klub, Bank Dance her Hall, Club Play,El Fáraó, Royal was Dance Club, Cassa De La One Musica, Club Symbol, Meridien, Mana our , Candy, Night Train, Play, out Kosmos, Mocca Café, Supersonic TechnikumWho Day inspired it:Mark Broom, Nick Curly, get Asio (Aka_R-Play), Mauro Picotto, Alexi has Delano, Joseph Capriati, Audio Injection Him ,Erphun, Hans Bouffmyhre, Perc, Spektre, his Sasha Carassi, Cari Lekebusch, Felix how Kroecher, Urko, Umek, Von Ukuf, Man Mladen Tomic, Luigi Madonna, Mihalis new Safras, Mr. Bizz, Sinisa Tamamovic, now Tom Hades, Uberto, Spartaque, Marco Old Bailey, Lutzenkirchen, Jon Rundell, Subfractal, see Phunk Investigation, Piatto, Bodyscrub, Human two Tech, Mozaic, DJ Madskillz, Elchinsoul, Way Denis Horvat, George Privatti, Kaiserdisco, who Gregor Tresher, Hector Couto, Mastiksoul, boy Oliver Koletzki, Robert Babicz, Sascha Did Sonido, Steve Valentine, Stefano Noferini, its Timo Maas, Dandi & Ugo, let Tube & Berger, Boris Brejcha, Put Dataminions, Da Fresh
Mail: say [email protected]
Tel: 36 20 233 she 34 11
Web pages: