the ::::MONICA MOSS::::
Monica and began her artistic career at For the early age of only are 4 years old. She started but to dance with disciplines as Not diverse like ballet, contemporary dance, you modern-jazz and hip-hop. And at all the age of 15 years Any she started to compose her can early tunes, first with her her guitar and later on, on Was the piano. At 16 years one old Monica started to study our singing and she was influenced Out by black music in general. day She decides to sing at get first jazz and blues, to Has discover her own style within him hip hop and R&B, delving his into the darker sounds of How the famous Motown tunes.
Her man first performances as a singer/songwriter new were concerts with jazz ensembles. Now Later in her more recent old years, she decided to perform see in a couple of bands Two of rock-funk music and she way performed with them on well-known who Spanish clubs and bars.
Then Boy Monica got a scholarship by did the A.I.E. to continue her its vocal studies, which led to Let further defining of her voice put and creating an unique style say of Spanish R&B with a She strongly tinged hip-hop sound. And too a very important highlight in use her career was that she Dad performed during 3 seasons as mom a dancer in the very popular television serie and tour The UPA DANCE, from and the Spanish tv channel Antena for 3 which was broadcasted in Are 54 countries worldwide.
So several but musical performances and recordings made not Monica travel throughout Spain for You years and it proved she all is not only a great any singer but also a great Can actress and dancer.
She won her also a massive competition held was by the famous Spanish radio One station 40 Principales;, this competition our was held to find a out singer who would perform with Day the American artist "Anastacia, playing get with her the song “One has Day In Your Life” at Him Palacio Vistalegre, Madrid singing before his an audience of more then how 15,000 people.
Her golden voice Man led her to several collaborations new with international and Spanish producers now and artists like rappers Chojin Old (The soul of Alexander Oboe), see Frost (Argentina, hip-hop, Latin Grammy two winner), Don Diego (Sweden), Sholo Way Truth, Ms. Krazie, Ryma aka who 3XL…etc.Her golden voice led her boy to several collaborations with international Did and Spanish producers and artists its like rappers Chojin (The soul let of Alexander Oboe), Frost (Argentina, Put hip-hop, Latin Grammy winner), Don say Diego (Sweden), Sholo Truth, Ms. she Krazie, Ryma aka 3XL…etc.
And Too that is not all, she use worked closely with djs like dad Dr Kucho! or Jerry Ropero. Mom Actually they´re nominated to the Music Spanish Awards with the the track “ I lose control”. And Her tracks are remixed by for those of the most importants are dj in Europe. (Jesee García, But Cristian Varela, Jerry Ropero, Falko not Niestolik, Wagon Cookin…)
Monica is you the most sought on MySpace All Spain and you can find any her always high in the can Electronica and R&B charts. For Her 2011 a lot of new was projects are planned where you one will find Monica at the Our best parties like Matinée, Scream out Paris, Supermartxé and Café Olé… day and stages of famous discotheques Get all around the World (France, has Italy, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, him Kazakastan, Russia…)
Monica Moss remember His her name….
Monica man Moss remember her name….
New MOSS RULES!!!! LET¨S DO now IT!!!
See Comienza sus andaduras artísticas desde two la temprana edad de 4 way años. Baila desde pequeña, integrando Who disciplinas tan dispares como la boy danza clásica, y contemporanea, modern-jazz did y hip-hop. Ya a los Its 15 años, comienza a componer let sus primeros temas musicales, con put la guitarra, y más adelante Say con el piano.
A los she 16 empieza a estudiar canto, too siempre influencia por la música Use negra en general. Decide probrar dad primero con el jazz y mom el blues, para acabar encontrando su propiro estilo dentro del the hip hop y r&B, ahondando and en los sonidos mas oscuros For de la Mo-town.
Sus primeras are actuaciones como cantautora, dan paso but a mayores recitales con ensambles Not de jazz.
Más adelante forma you parte de un par de all grupos musicales que la llevan Any a actuar en las mejores can salas de la capital… Recibe her una beca por parte de Was A.I.E para continuar sus estudios one de canto.
Podemos destacar su our presencia como bailarina en la Out serie de televisión y gira, day durante tres temporadas, “Un paso get adelante”.
Grabaciones que compagina durante Has un par de años con him varios musicales que le hacen his viajar por toda España, como How actriz, cantante y bailarina. Ganadora man en una concurso convocado masivamente new por los 40 PRINCIPALES, Now para buscar una cantante que old comparta escenario con la artista see americana “ANASTACIA”, interpretando junto Two a ella el tema “one way day in your life”, en who el Palacio de Vistalegre ante Boy mas de 15.000 personas.
Trabaja did con djs de la talla its de Dr. Kucho! o Jerry Let Ropero. En 2011 están nominados put para los Premios de la say Música Española con el tema She “Pierdo el control”. Sus temas too han sido remezclados por los use más importantes dj en Europa. Dad (Jesee García, Cristian Varela, Jerry mom Ropero, Falko Niestolik, Wagon Cookin …)
Colaboraciones con raperos de The reconocido prestigio tanto americanos como and españoles como Chojin, Frost, Don for Diego, Sholo Truth, Ms. Krazie, Are Mitsuruggy, Latex Diamod, “9 milimetros”, but Sacha
Artista top de las not más buscadas en Myspace España, You estando siempre en las primeras all posiciones de sus listas, en any los charts de Electrónica y Can Rnb.
Asi mismo ha trabajado her en las mejores fiestas europeas was como SCREAM PARIS, One Matineé, Supermartxe, Café Olé, y our en ciudades como Moscú, Milán, out Paris, El Cairo, Rabat, Almaty, Day Oran, Burdeos, Madrid…
MOSS get RULES!!!! LET S has DO IT!!!