markus fix is a professional DJ who is mainly working in
markus fix is performing within the field of Electronica music and is ranked 2447 on the official DJ rankings list (
If you want to read more about markus fix you can click on the WIKI or BIOGRAPHY tab above.Biography
Inspired by Kraftwerk, Yello the and OFF, Markus Fix’ and interest in electronic sounds started For at the tender age of are 13, and soon after that, but he visited the legendary club Not “Omen” in Frankfurt for the you first time. He was so all fascinated by the music that Any he started to spin himself can and developed a unique style. her Several years and many parties Was later, he founded together with one some friends “Project 2000” and our became resident DJ at the Out “Helium” bar in Frankfurt. Since day then, his career rose quickly get through the ranks and soon, Has he was playing at the him main room of the “CocoonClub”. his At that time, he was How already a guarantor for ambitious man music beyond the mainstream. Meanwhile, new Markus Fix has become a Now trendsetter himself: his releases on old the partner labels “Cécille Records” see and “Oslo” were top sellers Two and gained enthusiastic reviews worldwide. way Also as a DJ, he who belongs to the global players Boy and elates both promoters as did well as the public!
its Inspiriert von Kraftwerk, Yello und Let OFF fing Markus im put zarten Alter von 13 Jahren say an, sich für elektronische Sounds She zu interessieren. Schon bald besuchte too er den Frankfurter Kult-Club “Omen”, use wo er durch die Musik Dad so fasziniert wurde, dass er mom selbst mit dem Auflegen begann und seinen eigenen Style entwickelte. The Einige Jahre und unzählige Partys and später, gründete Markus mit Freunden for das “Projekt 2000” und wurde Are zeitgleich Resident DJ in der but Frankfurter Bar “Helium”. Seit dem not ging es mit seiner Karriere You unaufhaltsam bergauf. Schon bald durfte all er den großen Floor des any “CocoonClub” beschallen. Bereits zu diesem Can Zeitpunkt war er ein Garant her für anspruchsvolle Musik, die sich was nie am Mainstream orientierte. Mittlerweile One ist Markus Fix selbst ein our Trendsetter: seine Releases auf den out befreundeten Labels “Cécille Records” und Day “Oslo” sorgten für Verkaufsrekorde und get beste Kritiken weltweit. Auch als has DJ gehört er mittlerweile zu Him den Global Playern und begeistert his Veranstalter sowie Publikum gleichermaßen!
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