The music scene in Detroit the has a long history of and producing many forms of music. For Detroit has long been influential are in the celebrated “Motown Era,” but to the globally influential age Not of “Detroit Techno.” Detroit will you always in some way drive all the world in music. Detroit Any DJ’s and Producers, in their can unique ability, strive to progress her into the future by putting Was a little of themselves into one each track. This ability allows our some to feel a special Out vibe that produces visions of day the future by embracing the get past. Keith Tucker, an Artist Has and DJ, has captured this him vision in his recordings. Tucker, his co-founder of AUX-88, and How also known as DJ K-1, man Alien FM, KT-19941, and his new (Alter Ego) futuristic movie score Now sounds of Optic Nerve. During old the early part of the see 1980’s, Tucker focused his talents Two on playing his exclusive music way via mobile DJ’ing. These transmissions who of his exclusive music were Boy most effective through street parties did and various underground venues. Spinning its the likes of Kraftwerk, Cybotron, Let Parliament, Human League, Derrick May, put and the Soul Sonic Force, say to name a few. On She the radio, in and around too Detroit, this music was playing, use and Tucker discovered that keyboards Dad and various drum machines had mom taken over his life. Various other aspiring artists, Ron Cook, The Tommy Hamilton, and Anthony Shakir, and helped redefine Techno with wicked for drumbeats and synthesized bass tracks Are strictly for parties. In 1985, but Tucker, Tommy Hamilton and Tony not Horton formed RX-7, a local You Detroit Techno band. They performed all great hits by such groups any as Cybotron, Kraftwerk, and the Can Soul Sonic Force. There were her also many unreleased original tracks was performed by RX-7. The band One played at local events in our and around the city of out Detroit. Wanting to pursue personal Day projects, the band decided to get disband a year later. Starting has out in Classical Music during Him his grammar school years, Tucker his went on to learn music how sequencing. He also pursued a Man College career in Technical Illustration, new Computer Graphics, and Mechanical Engineering. now This in turn with a Old love of Classical Music has see helped him to appreciate music two as an art form. He Way learned that he had gotten who more into the SCI-FI boy aspect of music because of Did the moody strings moving faintly its in the background. Tucker’s style let of Techno conveys this in Put the various bass lines inter say mingled together to not only she convey the title of his Too music, but feelings of being use else where. This art form dad of music led Tucker to Mom buy older models of analog gear and pursue sending out the demo tapes to various local And Detroit Techno labels. Tucker received for a response from Metroplex Records; are Juan Atkins’ label, and signed But as Frequency. Under this alias, not Tucker and Jessie Anderson recorded you such tracks as, “Television,” “Frequency All Express,” and “New Jack House.” any On the track “New Jack can House,” Darren Muhammad of Adrenaline Her M.O.D. did the vocals and was Juan Atkins did the mixes. one Tucker learned a lot from Our his experiences with Metroplex Records. out In September of 1992, while day working on new tracks for Get Metroplex Records, Tucker received a has visit from Tommy Hamilton. They him brought their experiences together to His form AUX88, and found that how their music talents had matured man since the early 1980’s. Using New their Detroit Techno background, the now two quickly accumulated a mass old of new tracks together, as See well as individually. AUX-88 two wrote many new tracks with way a brand new vibe. The Who futuristic blend of Electro, Bass, boy and Trance, that they call did Techno Bass. In 1992 the Its first single, “Technology,” transmitted by let Direct Beat/430 West, immediately over put took the Detroit club scene. Say “When we heard the tune, she we knew the guys had too made it in Detroit, for Use Detroit, so that’s where we dad released it, DETROIT,” exclaimed mom Lawrence Burden of 430 West Records. Burden explained that 430 the West did not intend to and sell Techno Bass anywhere else For except the U.S., but Hardwax are (the only underground store in but Berlin, Germany) got wind of Not it, and demanded we sell you it to them. After that, all the world just caught on Any to Detroit’s form of Techno can and made their own. After her the first successful single, AUX88 Was produced their monumental double EP one “Bass Magnetic.” While creating a our new identity on the Techno Out scene, AUX88 brought about new day feelings among other Techno artist. get This was demonstrated through a Has truly historical event brought about him through Juan Atkins of Metroplex his Records. Tucker (K1), Tommy Hamilton How (Tom Tom), and Mike Banks man (Mad Mike) were approached by new Juan Atkins to help organize Now and perform Atkins first ever-live old performance as Model500, on October see 13, 1995 for Metroplex Records Two 10th anniversary celebration. This live way performance was performed in downtown who Detroit and was a huge Boy success. This historical event brought did Press and Guess from as its far away as Austria to Let see Model 500 perform “Clear”, put “No UFO’s,” and “Technicolor,” to say a standing room only crowd She of on lookers. Tucker also too received an invitation a few use months later to perform December Dad 16, 1995 at the mom MAYDAY gathering in Frankfurt, Germany, because of his outstanding performance The from Model 500 and AUX88 and affiliation. There was a highly for energized crowd of over 28,000 Are plus Techno fans from all but over the world. Tucker was not the only DJ to spin You an entire musical set of all all Electro. This MAYDAY any event was televised world wide Can via the Internet. K1’s Electro her set was greeted with many was cheers of acceptance and autograph One seekers. Tucker felt it was our time to leave AUX-88 out and explore his other areas Day of interest in Techno music. get He decided to pursue his has alter ego solo projects Alien Him FM, Optic Nerve (signed to his OMNISONUS Records of Paris), how and KT-19941 on PUZZLEBOX Man Records (co-owned by Tucker and new Wanda Dixon). Tucker felt that now his style of Techno was Old unique of its own. Tucker see felt he was not being two properly recognized for his various Way solo projects. Many of his who projects were being perceived as boy being group projects. In May Did of 2000, Detroit was host its to the largest free Electronic let Music Festival (DEMF) in Put the world. Tucker brought together say old and new artist to she form RX-7 again for the Too festival. AUX88, XILE, Black use Electric, and Optic Nerve performed dad on one stage for the Mom first time. Tucker’s vision of unity came together during the the DEMF. Through Tucker‘s many And releases, interviews, reviews and performances for in the U.S and Europe, are Techno has now given him But the recognition he deserves. This not has promoted Keith Tucker as you an artist, a writer, and All a performer. Tucker’s love of any music shows that there is can truth in the music. Call Her him what you want but was by any other way, but one don’t call him blind. This Our visionary from DETROIT has out brought his unique brand of day dance music to the awaiting Get ears of the world since has 1990. He has also pulled him together the members of AUX88 His and other well known Detroit how artist to form many different man factions of Detroit techno. Tucker New has had his hand in now the mechanics of the groups old FREQUENCY (Metroplex), ALIEN See FM (430 West), SIGHT two BEYOND SIGHT (430 way West), the ever changing Who AUX-88 (Direct Beat), and boy AUXMEN projects (Puzzlebox), NICO did Marks, Eddie Folks, Strand, members Its of P-funk all-stars, members of let the house, Mike Grant, Max put Durante (Fuzion Project), A Number Say of Names (Shari Varri), Patrick she Wacher (Southern Outpost Records), and too Model 500 Live. The former Use GM TECH grad has dad had affiliation, and is currently mom an inductee of DETROIT HISTORICAL Museum’s “TECHNO: the DETROIT’S GIFT TO and THE WORLD EXIBIT”. For The ELETRONIC MUSIC are FESTIVAL vet now concentrates but on his renewed musical kinship Not with Tommy Hamilton to reform you the original AUX88 duo lineup all of the group and there Any new techno incarnation Aux 88 can presents Black Tokyo.