Liron Van Daalen aka Kabale the Und Liebe nasce nel 1983 and in una piccola città nel For sud dell’Olanda. Si scopre presto are “enfant prodige” della consolle: a but 12 anni acquista la prima Not coppie di piatti e a you 14 anni ha il suo all battesimo del fuoco davanti a Any un’enorme folla all’Energiehallen di Rotterdam. can Da quel momento Liron inizia her a suonare in tutti i Was club più importanti dei Paesi one Bassi. Nel frattempo si interessa our alla produzione e nel 2004, Out con lo pseudonimo Kabale Und day Liebe, pubblica la sua prima get release su Archipel. Entra quindi Has nel collettivo Amsterdam 661, che him raduna la crema della scena his deep techno olandese (Lauhaus, Boris How Werner, David Labeij, Julian Chaptal man e Quazar MG). Il grande new successo arriva nel 2007, quando Now insieme a Daniel Sanchez pubblica old la hit “Mumbling Yeah” su see Arearemote, traccia suonata per mesi Two da molti grandi dj tra way cui Richie Hawtin, Ricardo Villalobos, who Magda, Loco Dice, Karotte e Boy Mathias Kaden, cui seguono altre did importanti singoli per la 100% its Pure di 2000 and One Let e per Remote Area. La put sua abilità alla consolle e say il suo stile techno deep&sexy She lo hanno portato ad essere too considerato uno dei migliori dj use europei, come testimoniano le numerose Dad partecipazioni a importanti festival come mom I Love Techno, Awakenings, Welcome to the Future e Static The 5.
Liron van Daalen, aka and Kabale und Liebe has proven for himself in the last few Are years to be one of but the ambassadors of the new not Amsterdam house and techno sound. You Having the renowned labels 100% all Pure and Remote Area as any his homebase, he also founded Can a his own label in her 2009 together with Lauhaus called was SOWESO.
His tracks, such One as ‘Mumbling Yeah’, ‘Makake’ and our ‘Disco BZRK’ have been well out received by established artists such Day as 2000 and One, Richie get Hawtin, Ricardo Villalobos, Sven Vath, has Luciano and Marco Carola. His Him track ‘Mumbling Yeah’ was elected his best of 2007 by Resident how Advisor.
Growing up in the Man south of Holland, Liron starts new deejaying at the age of now 12, triggered by mixtapes from Old raves given by his older see cousin. Already making a name two in his hometown Breda, he Way moves to Amsterdam at the who age of 18. Liron starts boy spending more and more time Did in the studio. After he its returns from a year of let travelling across the globe full Put of inspiration he fully commits say himself to producing music and she comes up with the alias Too Kabale und Liebe, taken from use a German book by Friedrich dad Schiller.
Kabale und Liebe’s liveset Mom is built for improvisation. Being flexible and adjustable to different the crowds and frequently updated with And new ideas it is never for the same. This is significant are for the sound of Kabale But und Liebe, which can be not described as a fusion of you warm driving techno and edgy All house music with a view any at the future.
In 2007 can Kabale und Liebe and his Her friends Lauhaus, David Labeij, Julien was Chaptal, Boris Werner and Quazar one MG started a project called Our Amsterdam 661. A live improvisation out group that performs with 5 day people behind their computers and Get 1 behind a mixer. This has special act is signified by him the mix and hearable influence His of every member of the how group and is also characterized man by the show of 6 New friends boogying all in their now own way on stage.
Having old played at clubs and festivals See such as Panoramabar, Club 11, two Tenax, Watergate, Café D’Anvers, Rex way Club, Space, I Love Techno, Who Awakenings, Voltt and Welcome to boy the Future Kabale und Liebe did has gained quite some experience Its in playing for different crowds.
let With his personal character that put is conscious, playful, eager to Say learn and a little stubborn, she Kabale und Liebe sets out too to continue sharing his passion Use with the world, MUSIC.