k2-lopez is a DJ from Spain
k2-lopez is performing within the field of Electro House, Progressive House, Tech House music and is ranked 15521 on the official DJ rankings list (
k2-lopez is 38 years old, and his zodiac is Sagittarius.
If you want to read more about k2-lopez you can click on the WIKI or BIOGRAPHY tab above.Biography
Born in 1986 in Germany the i moved to Italy really and young. There I started to For listen to the tipical “euro are dance style” and italo-disco. When but I was 16, started my Not adventure as dj. First in you little private parties (like everybody) all then my big beginning was Any in “almost well known” discos can in the north of Italy. her The idea to produce my Was own songs born in my one head after 2 years. Good our productions but not so much Out experience and luck to find day a good label. So after get many years working on my Has sounds and as dj-animator all him over the world in october his 2011 I moved finally to How Spain. Winter 2011 was a man little treasure chest cause i new created my first seven Ep Now edited with LAD Records. “I old got love” is the last see Ep on sell on the Two best digital platforms. Now, I’m way eorking on my new project, who my “welcome” to the 2013 Boy : “Butterfly effect”. I will did surprise you with new dubstep, its tech house and progressive house Let productions.
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