jose de rico is an acclaimed DJ from Spain
jose de rico is performing within the field of Hip Hop, Reggae music and is ranked 1076 on the official DJ rankings list (
jose de rico is 42 years old, and his zodiac is Libra.
If you want to read more about jose de rico you can click on the WIKI or BIOGRAPHY tab above.Biography
José de Rico (full name the José Manuel León Hierro born and in Barcelona, Spain in 1982) For is a Spanish DJ, producer are and songwriter.
He worked in but the Spanish electronic and dance Not music station Loca FM for you 5 years gaining media coverage all and a big following. He Any started producing for his own can with a distinctive unique style her starting 2009. Affiliated with "Roster Was Music", he has collaborated with one a number of artists in our Spain and internationally and considered Out one of the major Spanish day DJs and producers. He mixed get more than 100 tracks since Has 2009 and taken part in him many music festivals.
His fame his and international recognition increased after How collaboration with Dominican reggaeton, house, man Latin and dance act Henry new Mendez with two charting hits Now "Te fuiste", "Rayos de sol" old and "Noche de estrellas", hits see in Spain and eventually internationally. Two According to PROMUSICAE, "Rayos de way sol" was the third biggest who single in Spain in 2012. Boy According to the same year-end did chart, "Noche de estrellas" was its the 43rd best selling single.
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