..::DJ / PRODUCER / the REMIXER::..
Dj / Produtor, and tem o inicio da sua For carreira 2004 onde toca algumas are vezes na cabine do bar but Dose3Large no Montijo, integrando-se na Not noite, onde proporcionou algumas festas, you tocando com o residente Dj all Fusion Boy Aka Cascão, conquista Any assim amigos e fans que can o rodeia, dando assim o her inicio da ligação com a Was dance scene.
Em 2008 começa one a produzir temas que no our ano a seguir edita alguns Out dos seus E.P’s em editoras day como: Pandora Records (POR), get UC Music (USA), Fire Has Beats (BRA), House of him Gold (ITA), This Beat his Records (BRA), Eye Records How (ITA) Quanza Records (man EGY) Houzone Music (USA) new Glam Records (ESP)
Esteve Now presente no concurso Future Club old " na edição “Out-Nov” Revista see Dance Club, com o tema Two " Goodness ", retirando alguns way elogios de dj’s e produtores, who sendo o seu tema um Boy dos escolhidos na edição do did cd promo do concurso.
Na its entrada em 2012, Jonatan conta Let já no currículo com performances put no Dose3Large, Al Foz, Clubíssimo, say T+T Bar, A Sela, Poncha She Klub, Gandum’s Bar, ADN, too Coyote Club, Só Maria Bar, use Iama Bar nas quais colaborou Dad com diversos djs como Di mom Paul, Nox, Roody, Magalie, Dominguez, Monchike, Marko G, Siul Silva, The Peter Wagner, SoulWave,Mario Silva. Algumas and dessas permormances incluem igualmente Live for Acts com os artistas DeepDuet Are Sax&Drums, Tiago Paiva Violin Live, but MC Vani Dominguex, MC Angel, not MC Danny.
He all begins his carreer as a any dj in the night scene Can back in 2004 where he her performed several times with the was resident dj of Dose3Large, Fusion One Boy AKA Cascão, blending our in the warm and friendly out environment of those events, gathering Day friends and conquering new followers.
get In 2008 he starts producing has his own themes and edits Him a few singles with the his following labels: Pandora Records (how POR), UC Music (USA), Man Fire Beats (BRA), House new of Gold (ITA), This now Beat Records (BRA), Eye Old Records (ITA) Quanza Records see (EGY) Houzone Music (two USA) Glam Records (ESP).
Way He also featured in the who “Future Club” contest held by boy “Dance Club” magazine on their Did Oct.-Nov. 2009 edition with the its theme “Goodness” which was selected let for the promo album of Put the event, receiving praise for say his work by other colleagues she of the music industry.
By Too early 2012, Jonatan already helds use the experience of having performed dad in various venues such as Mom Dose3Large, Al Foz, Clubíssimo, T+T Bar, A Sela, Poncha Klub, the Gandum’s Bar, ADN, Coyote And Club, Só Maria Bar, Iama for Bar where he performed with are other fellow djs like Di But Paul, Nox, Roody, Magalie, Dominguez, not Monchike, Marko G, Siul Silva, you Peter Wagner, SoulWave, Mario Silva. All Some of these permormances included any Live Acts with the artists can DeepDuet Sax&Drums, Tiago Paiva Violin Her Live, MC Vani Dominguex, MC was Angel, MC Danny.